Jonathan Rigsby - Your Rideshare Driver

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Jonathan Rigsby - Your Rideshare Driver

Author, father, and rideshare driver.

DRIVE: Scraping by in Uber's America, on sale now!

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I think the things that bothers me the most are the people I see wearing masks but pulling them down so they don't cover their nose. It's been 4 years, but somehow we never bothered to teach people that it doesn't do anything if you don't wear it properly.
My girlfriend and I rewatched it recently. Got all the way to the final episode and can't bear to watch it.
Let's get a dentist there while they're at it.
1/? To be absolutely clear: you might hear "they want to ban pornography in schools" and think yeah, that sounds reasonable. But never, ever forget how pornography will be defined. It won't be. It'll be applied to whatever they think is bad at any given time.
I get the double whammy of being a creator of queer media and a library worker who provides access to "pornography" like a picture book of two men holding hands. For the record, I'm not queer. So if you think "I'm not queer so this won't affect me," you're a fucking walnut
In the jurisdiction where we're filing, we won't need eyes.
hurt in a car wreck? j o i n m e i n h e l l
Exactly. All that bad faith yelling and pestering people for replies is exactly what moderators on early 2000s forums banned people for. Self actualize. Be your own moderator. Block every asshole on sight.
Some of the bigger accounts that I follow become annoying when they're discussing something because I can scroll and scroll and all I get are their replies to dozens of different comments.
A sex-positive paladin running a brothel and using their magic to clear customers of STDs is a character idea that goes hard.
PALADIN: What? It’s good money, curing the clap. Particularly if you set up near the docks. PARTY: *assorted noises* PALADIN: There’s not always a lot of money in smiting, okay?
Florida turned down millions to feed school children over the summer, money that was federally provided but had to be administered by the state. Maybe they think reading Pride and Prejudice will help alleviate the hunger pains.
There's a lot of discourse in my feed about Jamelle Bouie, and I think that dude would have benefitted from not obsessively replying to every single comment he received. That's just bad for your mental health.
That depends. Is that the biggest mug you have?
I love how the block function works here. If you see someone being a shithead, you block them and they evaporate into a fine mist, never to be seen again.
I'd argue their strategy to court the votes of women is to aim specifically for white, married women by targeting their husbands with religious rhetoric. All other demographics were going to vote Dem anyway.
Ugh, I said something mean about JD Vance on the bird site, and the chuds are rushing to dogpile me. Blech.
Right down there with Ted Cruz in terms of likability.
Have you written a book or anything at length on the topic? I'd be interested to read more since I'm about to live through it.
JD Vance previews the argument he'll use as VP to oversee stuff millions of people into camps.
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
For every one that you see in a suit, there's another one in tactical gear posted up on a roof, and for every one of those, there's another one in the crowd wearing jeans. The presence is *much* larger than people think.
Please tell me it's because the vampire was trying to glamour people through the Internet and it didn't work or that the camera couldn't see him.
You can tell Rage is an early book, before the craft is fully developed. Still great though. I love Roadwork, abd The Long Walk is very haunting. The Running Man remains my favorite, with Wizard and Glass in second.
What's your word count in an average writing session? I'm happy at 700 words and usually clock 1000-1200 in a good one. Just curious where others come in.
I really wonder if we could do a GoFundMe with the general public to get Thomas and Alito to retire. We know they have a price, so what is it? $10 million? $50 million? We'd raise it in two hours.
It has always felt to me like madness that you can have the very people who imprisoned you saying that they were wrong and you are innocent, yet somehow that triggers no action in the legal system.
He Was Convicted of Killing His Baby. The DA’s Office Says He’s Innocent, but That Might Not Be Enough. When new scientific evidence casts doubt on convictions, the justice system has no easy path to freedom — even when it’s the prosecutors doing the asking.
He Was Convicted of Killing His Baby. The DA’s Office Says He’s Innocent, but That Might Not Be When new scientific evidence casts doubt on convictions, the justice system has no easy path to freedom — even when it’s the prosecutors doing the asking.
Here's a link to the Bookshop listing for the book itself. It's a memoir of my first years as a rideshare driver after my divorce. It's been called Nickel and Dimed for the gig economy and covers my personal story, mental health, poverty, and the wider gig economy that exploits vulnerable people.
Drive: Scraping by in Uber's America, One Ride at a Time a book by Jonathan One father, 3 years, and thousands of rides Poverty, By America meets Maid in this dad's darkly humorous yet humanizing story of working long hours and late nights behind the wheel as a rideshare driv...
It doesn't. I'm just making fun of the ridiculous world of BookTok influencers who have to make up increasingly large numbers of books they supposedly read in a year. Just being silly.
I'm saying that reading a broad variety of genres is important. You can't just elf smut your way to a reading goal.