
“Why won’t those coloreds over there abandon their tight knit communities to come be with us non-Nazi whites” is definitely a question that should cause some introspection, and yet.
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
someone already had the totally normal contribution that it's just bc we're "lazy" and "addicted to clout" so
Is the clout discourse back again. I love it.
Share some of your clout with me otherwise you’re clout poisoned.
everyone with one more follower than me is addicted to clout
obviously on a different topic but I’ve been told multiple times today that I am lying about things for clout so I can be popular on the internet, lot of that going around at the moment
my favorite discourse demon take i saw was someone saying i’m not actually trans & am just a cis woman pretending to be trans for clout. that got a really good laugh from me as i blocked everyone who liked that post.
shoutout to my all-time favorite reply
“dwight you ignorant slut” energy
My gut says that was projection from someone who cannot believe peeps can actually be genuine A healthy dose of skepticism is ok, knee-jerk paranoia not so much
meanwhile tumblr's got their own TREND of transmascs claiming to be transfem so they "can't be transmisogynist" (one of them also started claiming to be jewish to deflect from criticism about any antisemitism. i LITERALLY knew this person offline. these 2 lies in particular drive me up the wall.)
(person in question did not convert btw. anyway, yeah, just your periodic reminder that tumblr is still Not A Place Of Honour.)
I often wonder what all the good posters on here do with their enormous clout. I understand folk trying to build followers to make a living from their art or writing or whatever, but other than that does having a lot of followers get you lounge access or priority boarding or respectful nods outside?
it gets me eye rolls from my wife, mostly
Ha. Not to brag or anything, but I get free eye rolls from the missus daily and yet I am completely without the internet clout.
what's the ratio of eye rolls to follower count?
it gets you nothing you are awarded zero points
Good. I was worried that I might find out about Clout Heaven, and then i would try to earn a place there by doing good posts but I don't have that in me.