
been trying to place the the cognitive dissonance I feel with “to serve his country, Biden should step aside” and I think it’s that no one would ever suggest that Trump should do something that puts the country first
nobody really believes Trump gives a shit about the country, so they don’t consider it a plausible thing to ask I think part of the issue is some of these folks think Biden might actually listen to them
Everyone knows Trump is running to avoid prison.
And yet they will vote for him.
They will vote for beating up young people, POC, and women. Trumps just their last chance golden ticket to terrorize. They want to feel cool!
Also the unspoken premise, belied by “for the country” rather than “for the Dems”, is that Trump is so monstrous that it’s not like McCain beating Obama and he can’t ever be allowed to win. Which I think is true but you wouldn’t know it from reading the NYT or CNN!
Wouldn’t the point be that Biden should step down to save us from trump (via some candidate ex machina TBD)? If so, obviously trump isn’t going to do that, even if he did care about the country.
I mean, there are certainly some constituents who do believe that about Trump, but they aren’t reading the NYT