
everyone's tempers are frayed right now, because there's nothing but bad news almost everywhere you look which is understandable, but that doesn't give you license to come in and be rude to people you don't know the risk of being put on blast is a lot higher when their tempers are frayed too
I basically never respond at all and someone quote tweeted me rudely today and I was like fuck you don’t care for “I’m just a tiny little guy” shit, if you’re going to complain about my followers responding then maybe don’t pick a fight
don't start none, won't be none
Well that's not entirely true either
Yeah, and honestly everyone's temper's being frayed is when we need to be kindest to each other, not picking fights If no one is willing to stop fighting, all there will ever be is more fighting
i spent years rolling my eyes at such suggestions: but maybe we do all need to try yoga? it might tucker us all out enough that we won’t be able to be randomly cruel at strangers online.
who was rude to you so i can also block them? that is ridiculous 😤
figured it out. they have like 70 followers & seem like a miserable loser. just gonna block that account & let em keep malding to the void.
Especially on the internet, it's important to bring the energy you wish to receive. There's no non-verbal queues and everyone tends to be strangers.
I wish, in the year of our lord 2024, that wasn't necessary information for so many (present company excluded).
Possibly I'm missing something obvious because I'm sleepy, but what does "non-verbal queues" mean?
i think they meant “cue” as in signal, not “queue” as in “waiting in line”
I did! I'm staying up nights with my newborn and my phone was 'helping'.
Was this the standard - "I was talking to _________, how dare you deign to address me, random follower of ___________" stuff? I swear, some folks just don't understand how public posts work, and then they get even more nasty.
Considering that I have been Al Pacino-ing about everything at home, yup. It's a time!
You have great thoughtful comments, Micah.
The important bit is to always be civil, but never polite. or barring that always carry a knife like mary shelley