
this is the point I keep making and I don’t want to be making it but it’s correct no matter how much the opposition sucks and how much this feels like the same old uninspiring message, the danger of letting Republicans hold power is getting worse they are bad and must be defeated every time
the “some folks just need killing” thing out of north carolina reminds me of a third thing these annoying people are right about: as long as the republican bloodlust grows and their power is unbroken, every election probably will be the most important one of your life
yes, it is deeply frustrating that we have to do this over and over and over again and it always feels like fighting a rearguard action unfortunately they are counting on “ugh, I’m sick of this” to gain power again because they just do not stop
This is true, and the reason it's frustrating is because a definitive victory was *supposed* to break the fever. Beating him in 2020 could have been the breakthrough moment. If not that, then if the GOP did the right thing and impeached after J6.
This year has made it more clear than ever, we just gotta keep going forever. It’s all union organizing from here on out, we build coalitions, we try pure best, we adjust and we keep at it
At some point Dems will need to figure out that in order to save the country they’ll have to dismantle the entire right wing power structure. Funding sources, think tanks, judiciary, gerrymandering, the electoral college. This won’t stop until these essential tasks are completed.
I have a deep sympathy with the normalcy wing of the Dems, who keep hoping they can coax moderate Rs back to sanity, but the time has really come to admit we can't, and we need to bury them instead. Filibuster reform, gerrymander reform, court reform, a new VRA, serious ethics enforcement, etc.
I will vote everyday of my life and twice on Sundays to keep these fascists fuckers out of power.
“Ugh, did you see how many people we lost at Omaha Beach? I say we give up; it’s too hard.”
It really makes me wish we had an opposition party. It's weird that there's no one standing in the way of the Republicans! You think someone would.
This is true, and the reason it's frustrating is because a definitive victory was *supposed* to break the fever. Beating him in 2020 could have been the breakthrough moment. If not that, then if the GOP did the right thing and impeached after J6.
They were able to avoid the usual post-loss introspection a party typically goes through in 2020 by pretending they never lost.
You can never assume those whose job it is to stay in power will ever give up that desire. Thats why it’s about building and strengthening the coalition of the relatively sane
The thing I’ve been pondering for the last couple of days is when the old orange rapist dies which of his horrible offspring will be next dear leader? Charity Thief Trump? Dumb as Rocks Trump? Fascism Barbie? Baron way-too-on-the-nose Trump?
i *think* it'll be someone from another family entirely melania's the most obviously brightest of the lot, and i suspect she'll not go for the would-be throne itself. jr might, but he's somehow even more of a fuckup than sr
it'll be like the end of alexander's reign. no appointed successor because he never thought he'd die, so everything fragments under various lieutenants into waring states.
And they are relentless and contesting at every level so we must too. Every time.
And there will always be people on the left who assume that liberals are lying about this.
I have lost all faith that the Democrats are capable of doing that.