
"Beyond his goal of eliminating the U.S. Department of Education, Trump has also stated that he will attempt to slash education funding, mandate prayer in public schools, and ban ideas that challenge right-wing dogma."
Opinion: Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump's Plan to End the U.S. Dept. of Education? Eliminating the Department would result in less funding for students, more polarization, and less opportunity for low-income and marginalized students
Gove all but destroyed state education in England, we were vulnerable to this because we have a national education system. I always thought the US was safer due to the state administration of education-this is very bad news.
Educating ‘dirty northerners’ and ‘fettered foreigners’ in Gove’s curriculum of ‘hard facts’ Gove's derogatory comments raise serious questions about the national curriculum he instilled
I’m sure that the general drive to replace LEAs with academies that blossomed under Gove’s pernicious tenure was powered simply by his prejudiced hatred of the metropolitan councils characteristic of northern England - part of his infamous ‘blob’. My county (Cheshire) was a superb LEA; obliterated🤬
Another reason to be very grateful that Scotland's education system is separate. Gove couldn't get his paws on it.
Yes I did some work on policy building in Scotland, it was like breathing fresh air after being choked. But Swinney, then education minister, now first minister wasn’t really into ‘progressive’ learning ideas either!
It's amazing how many millions of people will vote against their best interests. As if voting for a convicted felon/fraud, liar, narcissist and con-man will make things better for everyone else.
What you have to understand is this isnt about everyone being better off. Its about someone being more miseable then them Thats how the rigthwing mindset works
So the party tough on crime wants a convicted felon as pres. That same party that is big on national security is ok with continuing to destroy our long term national economic security. Got it.
The 1%'ers love the idea of an uneducated workforce. Lack of education = cheaper labor + minds that are easier to mold/deceive. Christofascists are all about power in the name of religion. These ideas align perfectly for herding the sheep.
Wha is religion if not powerfule lieing that they have supernatural forces telling them they deserve to rule over the rest of us?
Well, didn't he say that he loved the poorly educated😜?
Trump loves idiots in the same way you and I love pizza.
Mmmm, not a big fan of pizza😜😜
Gotta keep them dumber than gravel, otherwise they would never vote for him.
RWers have long resented the democratization (such as it is) of education. And yet it's always leftists and liberals who are successfully branded in the public imagination as elitists. The *real* elitists are corporatists and CEOs.
Because he crashed and burned. He's convicted. He is losing votes and money at a rapid rate... No one cares. He'll be behind bars. Also: education is already in grave danger by cristofascism.
Yeah! And give everyone cancer too! Yeah! Murica! Yeaaaah brotherrr! Destroy everything derp!! (grunting noises)
Convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and serial adulterer is going to violate the First Amendment and mandate prayer in schools?
Folks, in case you need reminding, this trump guy is a nutter
Try the Texas program. It's a lot of fun (kinda).
Begun in TX in 2012 when the gop's educ'n platform removed the teaching of critical thinking from the curriculum along w/early childhood ed, sex ed & more: Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really (WaPo) But! This shit got in amongst a lot of other crap:
He has loudly said he loves the poorly educated. It’s fucking obvious he wants a permanent underclass willing to serve him
You mean all the stuff he promised but isn’t going to do?