Unrepentant πŸ’™ Punk πŸ‡ 🌻 πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ ⚧️ πŸ’š 🐾 ❄️ 🌍 🐝

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Unrepentant πŸ’™ Punk πŸ‡ 🌻 πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ ⚧️ πŸ’š 🐾 ❄️ 🌍 🐝


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✊🏿#FuckedAroundAndFoundOut 😎

Wait... is this thing still on? Right, I'm in Bristol, Brexshitistan
The straight story from one of many families torn apart by the GOP - mine.
Remember the State of the Union after the "Citizens United" ruling when Obama said the Supreme Court just opened the floodgates of unlimited money into politics and Justice Alito shook his head "no"? It's what I thought of when I heard Musk was donating $45 million a month to a Trump Super Pac
Thanks to my sweet KEEZ for this valuable tool that condenses Project 2025. Like wise Keez says- "knock on doors- let them see it- ask which of these bad ideas affects them most " Love KEEZ !πŸ˜˜πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ«‚
Mark Cuban says Musk and all the other tech bros supporting Trump is β€œa bitcoin play”. They believe Trump’s β€œinflationary policies and destabilizing effect on the dollar's status as a reserve currency will drive up the price of Bitcoin and make them richer.”
Okay. Dem ad campaigns: your mission is to take Trump saying "We're no different from an insurance company," and run it 24/7 in fucking Florida.
Trump says Taiwan should pay more for defense and dodges questions if he would defend the island β€œTaiwan should pay us for defense,” Trump said, in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek. β€œYou know, we’re no different than an insurance company.” apnews.com/article/trum...
Trump says Taiwan should pay more for defense and dodges questions if he would defend the islandapnews.com Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump demands the self-governed island of Taiwan pay for U.S. protection, dodges the question if he would defend the island from Beijing’s military action, and...
Their dear leader is married to a … oh nevermind πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I almost forgot #Skincolor
Remember when Dorsey, Zuckerberg and Pichai were repeatedly hauled before Congress over allegations of liberal bias? Now we have a major social platform solely controlled by one of Trump's biggest backers. I wrote about what it means for X and the election. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Analysis | What Musk’s Trump support means for Xwww.washingtonpost.com Conservatives long accused Twitter of liberal bias. What happens now that its owner openly backs Trump?
Vance will probably say something tonight about immigrants taking away our jobs. For the record, here’s the 12-month average unemployment rate among native-born Americans
'Mark Twain Tree' sequoia section with historical notations from year 550 to 1891
I fcking can’t watch.
Axios, Politico, CNN and (go figure) the entire right wing media infrastructure! They’re gaslighting so hard they’re burning their own fingers! β€œβ€imagine” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this Axios column. we can imagine a lot of things. we can imagine Donny… open.substack.com/pub/jefftied...
Donald Trump is still a menace to democracyopen.substack.com not one fucking thing has changed
FYI, Clarence Thomas' wife is part of the Heritage Foundation, the architects of Project 2025.
MAGA knows that their anti-abortion proposals are deeply unpopula, and show they are against women's rights. So they try to make us forget them.
JD Vance just deleted from his website his abortion stance. They lie to get the job.
I am begging people to block and report transphobes and racists instead of screenshotting them and showing them off to everyone like a weird bug they found by the roadside.
I was just thinking this earlier. The blocklists are all gone, and people have stopped blocking the bigots themselves, and just gone back to replying to them instead, putting them onto their followers’ skylines.
Every time a Californian moves to Texas, the average intelligence of both states rises.
When I say that the Council of Conservative Citizens was the direct descendant of the White Citizens Council, I mean that they took the mailing list and organization structure of the Citizens' Council and just gave it a new, less politically incorrect name. www.splcenter.org/fighting-hat...
Council of Conservative Citizenswww.splcenter.org The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South.
What’s worse the idiotic ear cover or the rapt adoring look on their faces? They look at him the way I look at cheesecake and used to look at George Clooney
Now they’re wearing diapers on their ears in support
Not even Liz Truss's parents give a shit what she thinks (term used loosely) Stop giving her airtime
For those freaking out about Project 2025 now and how the word pornography will be weaponised to silence and imprison people, spare half a thought for the sex workers who have been ringing the alarm bell on this for decades.