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I'd rather saw my legs off with the rip strip from a Renyolds Wrap box than click on a link from the Washington Post or the NYT at this point.
Have these people ever read a book and understand the massive depressions the gold standard caused?
Really disappointed this doesn't include some 2024 numbers. According to the FBI murder decreased by 26.4 percent, rape decreased by 25.7 percent, robbery decreased by 17.8 percent, and aggravated assault decreased by 12.5 percent. Reported property crime also decreased by 15.1 percent.
I think it's more ironic (and sad) that the GOP has blocked gun safety laws for so long that Americans have become immune to mass shooting news and the media has already turned over 2 news cycles (Trump's newfound unity, and now JD Vance).
JD Vance says women should stay in violent marriages “for the sake of their kids”. x.com/BidensWins/s...
Let's start breaking it down. 2022 Tim Ryan won 18-29 year olds by 19%, 30-39 yo by 9% so it doesn't help Trump with the under 45s. Ryan won Blacks by 73% (86-13), and Latinos by 18% (59-41). Ryan also won 81% of voters who thought abortion was the most important issue.
Let's start breaking it down. 2022 Tim Ryan won 18-29 year olds by 19%, 30-39 yo by 9% so it doesn't help Trump with the under 45s. Ryan won Blacks by 73% (86-13), and Latinos by 18% (59-41). Ryan also won 81% of voters who thought abortion was the most important issue.
Let's start breaking it down. 2022 Tim Ryan won 18-29 year olds by 19%, 30-39 yo by 9% so it doesn't help Trump with the under 45s. Ryan won Blacks by 73% (86-13), and Latinos by 18% (59-41). Ryan also won 81% of voters who thought abortion was the most important issue.
This help Trump as much as Tim Kaine helped Hillary.
Just my opinion but Corey Booker was the play in 2016.
Let's start breaking it down. Tim Ryan won 18-29 year olds by 19%, 30-39 yo by 9% so it doesn't help Trump with the under 45s. Ryan won Blacks by 73% (86-13), and Latinos by 18% (59-41). Really don't see how this helps Trump with anything but his base.
Tim Ryan also won 81% of voters who thought Abortion as the most important issue.
Shhhhh. It was a great pick. Really helps Republicans in all demos...not
Looks like Hunter Biden is free!
To quote George Bush "That was some weird shit."
The guy already hated women, minorities, and poor people. Why not add young people to the list?
Not for long. Watch as a bunch of unknown Republican funded pollsters flood the zone with bullshit polls over the next few days having Trump +4-6% to get the averages to revert. Saw the same a few weeks ago and tmback in 2022. They lie about everything why not the
What are the odds? No seriously what are they? Didn't the Shuttle launch system have a 2 in 135 failure rate. I would love to know if SpaceX has improved upon launch failures or if it's near the same rate.
Word slip ups? Fool me once shame on me, fool me, can't get fooled again. Although one of my favorites is when Bush said "You gotta put food on your family"
Put on the horse blinders more. 20 years ago about 1/3 of pollsters were Democrat funded, 1/3 we Republican funded and 1/3 were Independent. Today 50% are Republican, 25% are Democrat, and 25 are Independent.
I'm still waiting for that "Red Wave" from 2022
When I try to engage people in this conversation they are convinced it's the corporations even though homeownership for Mellenials is higher at current ages then it was for Boomers or Gen X. The solution is always build more housing. Minneapolis and Austin are prime experiments happening right now
Maybe a better question is how long have they been lost? I mean at least since 2015.