Robert Stewart

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Robert Stewart

Minnesotan in Maryland via Owatonna, StP, & UMN;
Asst Prof at UMD Criminology;
Criminal records, collateral consequences, civic engagement, public policy, data. "Funny here and there," according to one student.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Stewart
i like when you see an android screenshot and youre supposed to ignore some System Font Crimes that are so nonchalantly evident. like all the posts are in blood dripping horror font or some shit lmao
Welp UMD colleagues, if you don't think I'm joining our next meeting from my Oculus Quest, you're kidding yourselves!
Reposted byAvatar Robert Stewart
Hey hey! UMass Boston Soc is hiring this year. Two TT assistant prof positions in crim & crim/race
Reposted byAvatar Robert Stewart
The FCC just announced that it has voted to cap phone & video call rates for incarcerated people. The cost of a 15-minute phone call will drop to $0.90 from as much as $11.35 in large jails and, in small jails, to $1.35 from $12.10.
FCC Caps Exorbitant Phone & Video Call Rates for Incarcerated
The majority op in this case re MS: "[No,] go and convince the State legislatures...not by judicial fiat" Nebraska AG: "Only the executive branch can change disenfranchisement policy, not the legislature (paraphrased)."
BREAKING: The full Fifth Circuit, on a 13-6 vote, upholds Mississippi’s lifetime ban on voting by those convicted of any of a number of felonies. A prior three-judge panel had held that the ban violates the 8th Amendment. The full court rejected that.
ugh, but predictable.
BREAKING: The full Fifth Circuit, on a 13-6 vote, upholds Mississippi’s lifetime ban on voting by those convicted of any of a number of felonies. A prior three-judge panel had held that the ban violates the 8th Amendment. The full court rejected that.
More like Aileen CANNOT, amirite??
I'm admittedly not an expert on this, but the premise of this question and the last response option seem inconsistent, if not super misleading. If a life-threatening medical condition developed at, say, 38 or more weeks, wouldn't the medical response be to do an emergency c-section?
These websites are always fake. But what if one was real? Imagine the conversation b/w the hitman & the web developer. --- Dev: "Impact" is fine for titles but isn't great a font for the copy. Hitman: Ugh, fine. Will the logo be visible on all the pages? Dev: Yes, the branding will be consistent.
I get the reasoning here. The big question for me is what happens if there's a SCOTUS vacancy or something that would require a senate tie breaker? All those moves would most likely be foreclosed until at least the next Congress or inauguration, right?
Shouldn't Democrats be pushing Biden to not only step aside from the nomination race but to resign and make Harris POTUS? Helps avoid a messy succession battle and raises her standing/status. (Messy part is getting a VP confirmed; otherwise Johnson is second in line, but you live with it.)
Imagine how dull his canvas page would be
Imagine if a university gave Biden a professorship of some sort when he leaves office. Does he even know how to check his email? Make a PowerPoint? Show a documentary???
I'd venture to say most of the people trying to sell everyone on nominating a candidate at an open dem convention has not been to an open dem convention. "Ilhan v Kahn SD60B" checking in
super cool that the president had a scotus commission of scholars and experts study possible reforms etc 2.5 years ago do absolutely fk all with it.
I'm very curious what the prompt looked like to create this, and also how many iterations they went through before they were like, "Yep, this is the one."
I know we can all get duped by authentic-looking AI images, but sometimes I really don't understand what's going on at Facebook
This opinion continues (and this trooper's statement) continues to be an absolute farce. I hope the MN Supreme Court revisits it soon.
In ruling that bong water is a drug mixture, the Minnesota Supreme Court justices relied, in part, on the testimony of a state patrol officer who claimed that drug users keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins.”
Fargo woman facing 30 years in prison for bong water • Minnesota Last year the Legislature decriminalized drug paraphernalia, even if it contains drug residue. The change represented a step back from the drug war tactics of previous decades, with an eye toward trea...
Gotta say, I haven't been too thrilled about the felon-criminal-Trump discourse lately. Pretty effing gross y'all.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Stewart
Over on Twitter, Tech Policy Press ( had accrued close to 7,000 followers in its short life. We've decided to no longer post there. Can you help us build our presence here? Please follow/share, and visit the site to sign up for the newsletter:
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I couldn't imagine deliberately turning on a Rob Schneider special on the tv on a Saturday afternoon when I'm laying on the couch, let alone driving all the way out to Mystic ON PURPOSE to attend a Rob Schneider show in person. Who are these people??
Ha ha ha oh by the way Islamophobia. Do better, Strib.
whichever ai is the first to license and incorporate Majel Barrett's voice will get my money.
tfw you thought your class was going really well and the students were doing a great job on their short writing assignments... ...and then look at them all together and realize that several are chatgpt
My wife and two older kids went on a last minute trip this weekend, so I was home with our 2 yr old. Had to teach today, so I figured I could park him in his stroller in the corner with an iPad playing Daniel Tiger. I was wrong. Got a good 45 min in, though. Also, my campus is NOT accessible.
8th grade party where the parents were out of town. Beggars couldn't be choosers, so Kahlua+Goldschlager+Sprite was the featured cocktail of the night ("it's not gross...this is what alcohol is supposed to taste like...right?") Ended with multiple ppl 🤮 and 🚔. Never forget.
What is the foulest improvised cocktails your friends have ever concoted? I still remember when me and my buddies poured every bit of alcohol and soda we could find in our buddies apartmemt, into a giant plastic witches cauldron and it turned NEON green so we called it witches brew and drank HEAVILY
Could the judge be hesitant to put Trump in jail for contempt bc of the implications for the jury? Courts try to shield jurors from knowing a defendant is in jail during a trial bc of the prejudicial risk. Trump in jail would be an unavoidable story, which might make sequestration more likely?
This morning in Judge Merchan's courtroom, prosecutor Chris Conroy said the Manhattan DA's office was filing a THIRD order to show cause to hold Trump in contempt for 4 additional violations of the gag order in the last 3 days, bringing total to 14.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Stewart
Reposted byAvatar Robert Stewart
at times like these I kind of wish there existed a cspan type of news where they'd say what happened as it happened, but talking heads were strictly forbidden
Never in my life did I think I was going to wipe three butts before 6:30am and none of them would be my own.
Hard disagree. Cheating should stay within the jurisdiction of the university. That way Student Conduct doesn't have to worry about counterproductive impediments like "due process" and can proceed directly to punishment. Swift, certain, and severe like Papa Beccaria intended.
Student's cheating on exams and assignments should be a criminal offense. I'm not saying a felony, but a lower tier misdemeanor I think would be appropriate. It's essentially fraud. So why not punish it as such? It's so rampant now that it needs to be deterred in this manner.