
Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, were you born with your apparent endless kindness and consideration? Or did you develop them over the course of your career? I ask because you certainly are the Neil we need, much more so than you are the Neil we deserve.
I made a lot of mistakes on the way.
Just don’t ask about why George RR Martin hasn’t finished Game of Thrones yet. Mr. Gaiman has been known to get spicy on that question.
That’s the one! I get the sense this blog post came from your frustration with being asked when Caroline 2 would be published (something you never promised), but thats just a guess.
Nobody was asking about Coraline 2 in 2009. The film had only just come out. And the answer has always been the same, when I come up with a better story than Coraline...
Well also, like ...Coraline was and is a complete story. Not everything needs to be a franchise.
Just—not even considering a cash grab, then? I'm very glad—but especially in the film industry, "cash grab" is always a reason in the mix. After all, that's why we got MATRIX: RESURRECTIONS.... 🤷‍♂️
I thought you'd already written Coraline 2 and it was titled The Graveyard Book.
Coraline is one of my most favourite things ever written, better story than Coraline seems like a very very big ask
In what dangerous place would you have to drop your glasses to come up with that one?
Coraline was and has been one of my favourite movies of all time, ,,, ,
Well I have some crackerjack ideas let me share them with you against your pre-stated wishes…
im sorry neil but coraline was terrifying. its enough with just one 🥲
It might simply verbalize something many writers at many levels of the craft have felt.
Like Stephen King’s Misery. Fair point.
I am your fan, and I follow you here b/c I respect your humanity as much as your creations. But with GOT, to use your vernacular, although George isn't my bitch he’s sure made some dick moves.
If you like. I'm looking forward to his finishing the series.
not as much as George I'm willing to bet
I wonder if he ever will at this point. From a chat he had with Stephen King, I think he's a bit like Sysiphos at this point... Looking for the perfect way to finish the books but rewriting what he has over and over instead of just moving forward. I know the feeling, and it can be crippling.
I re-read this excellent blog post after many years, and now having listened to so many of your Audiobooks and the Sandman adaptation, I heard it in your voice. Thank you for all you have created and brought into our world.
I mean, it is mildly spicy, like maybe banana pepper spicy which is very mild. But it's also a fair point well made.
George R.R. Martin is not your bitch. Class, beautiful! A lesson to us all 😂👍❤️
I really appreciate reading your thoughts on this. As a creative myself, I understand all too well the ebbs and flows of inspiration - a process we have very little actual control over. As much as I want the end of ASOIAF, it’s always a good reminder that we are not OWED the rest of the series.
That is a strong explanation, direct and unvarnished. Good one.
That’s fucking brilliant, Neil. Kudos. I’m a big GOT books guy, and I’m not losing a moment’s sleep over GRRM’s pace. I hope he finishes, but he is not my bitch.
Perhaps, but the point you made is definitely not debatable... Thank you.
American Airlines will always be the airline that apologized for their gate agent acting in a discriminatory manner towards me (disabled) and offered me 1200 miles to make up for it which was such an insult I never flew with them again. Better they'd offered just the verbal apology ffs.
Perfect answer. A little sad that so much people nowadays seems to think that trading artists for a machine is just fine.
Personally I think part of the problem is that Martin was constantly promising release dates and never delivering on them. If he'd just said "Not sure when it'll be done but I am still working" instead of "Next book will be out next summer" that would have spared a lot of heart ache.
So…should we give Warren Ellis the benefit of the doubt and start reading him again?