
Kathy Hochul’s decision to halt congestion pricing in NYC — if it holds — is a generational setback for US climate policy. It is worse than the Mountain Valley pipeline or Willow project in Alaska, and it will have lacerating national implications. I wrote about it:
Kathy Hochul’s Climate Delaying congestion pricing is one of the worst climate policy decisions made by any Democrat in recent memory.
She is truly the Eric Adams of governors.
get her ass if she has to reverse course, it wouldn’t be the first time she stabbed an important piece of NYS climate action in the back and failed to check that it was sufficiently dead before letting the world know about it an error Cuomo never would’ve made, lol
Oh come the fuck ON! I have been on vacation and haven’t been paying attention, but for fuck’s sake, seriously? With dems like this, who needs republicans?! I was infuriated when the legislature boned us on this in 2008, and this is spectacularly more boneheaded now. Gah.
I’m into the prosecco about it
Welcome to New York. The democratic party there is just a reskin of Rockefeller Republicans.
Oh, boy, don’t I know it. But it still makes me mad sometimes!
New York is under such spectacularly bad leadership right now. I hope NY Dems dump Hochul and Adams the next chance they get and replace them with legitimate Democrats.
Oh come on. It’s not any kind of hit against climate policy. It would barely dent even the local climate conditions. Not long ago, this was considered by the left to be neoliberal governmentality. There are far better policies we can implement
What other proposal would decrease the number of cars entering Manhattan by 15%?
Even if it did that, which is far from clear, that would not make much of a difference in fighting climate change! None, in fact.
The point isn’t that this specific change to traffic in Manhattan would affect climate, it’s that the general idea of making driving in individual cars less attractive would affect climate. If we can’t even do this (because of a Democrat no less!) there’s no way we can do more.
Not only can we do more, but we already are doing far more. This particular policy is very badly designed and wouldn’t even do what little it is meant to do.
How would you design a policy to deter car traffic in manhattan?
Kathy Hochul is the Jim Inhofe of Joe Manchins.
We should try to associate Hochul with traffic in the minds of every voter nationwide. - “We’re sitting in Hochul traffic” - “Expect a Hochul slowdown on I-95”
Fine piece. Kathy Hochul is a nitwit. This was potentially a transformative policy and it is probably dead now.
She was bribed for 30 grand. At this point, someone should just kick her 50 G to change her mind again.
Why do I feel like this is a repeat of the carbon-pricing circular firing squad in 2010? Like carbon pricing, congestion pricing is a NEOLIBERAL proposal. It could work, but we can't tie ourselves to it, or we'll sink and drown.
Unpopular opinion on Bluesky, but true: congestion pricing is a neoliberal approach, like carbon pricing, & carries similar negatives. Congestion pricing would be much more politically viable in the US if someone decides to learn from Justin Trudeau. But that's Canada, let's just roast our own.
sure throwing automobiles into compactors and installing bollards around the city would be more effective than congestion pricing, but you shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good
I’m fine with congestion pricing, and with @alonlevy’s critique of Hochul. As they point out, though, there are European very-pro-transit politicians and parties who prefer alternatives to congestion pricing.
Kudos to Gov. Hochul. CP is a boondoggle for the MTA.
I can't access it, but the stated rationale is that people for whom mass transit does not work for getting to their jobs, for whatever reason, would pay $3600 /year they could not afford. While the real reason is likely elections, do you have a thought on that cost?
Because it is a vanishingly small number of people. 1.5% of commuters to the affected zone drive to work. It is worth charging that relatively small number of drivers for their use of a limited public resource in order to improve transit quality, frequency, and accessibility for everyone else.
Still, 1.5 is tens of thousands of people, many unable to afford this.
Perhaps they should have preceded it with a study in extending mass transit to cover more of these people from lower income neighborhoods.
The best estimate I’ve seen is that driving a car into downtown Manhattan imposes $100 of costs on the rest of society, in terms of congestion, slower deliveries, delayed ambulances, etc. So daily car commuters should really be paying $26,000.
Kathy Hochul’s Everything Betrayal. Just make sure her husband gets the food concession in the new stadium NYS taxpayers are buying for the Bills.
People hated it. It was unwieldy and unworkable. Deal.
None of that is true.