that Otter Sarah

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that Otter Sarah

Recovering stagehand.
Museum enthusiast.
WoW guild leader.
ADHD with other Suspicions.
Always here for your cat pictures!
I sort of want to grow my hair out enough that fun colors feel worth the effort, but also, it’s hot and I don’t like it.
I want to go get the laundry before NOPE outside turns into soggy again, but I made the mistake of lying down and now I have a cat. She keeps hiding her face in my elbow. 🥹
There’s something validating about looking at the weather and having an excessive heat warning. Like an official confirmation that it’s not just me, it is actually NOPE outside.
I didn’t get a garden planted this year for *reasons* and I can’t thank enough for the vicarious garden flowers experience. Squash always a cheerful favorite!
Happy bees on a female squash bloom.
Anyone want to come at me with “activist judges?” 🦗 🦗🦗 Huh. Who knew?
I hate this piece of shit.
Going to work at an *American Revolution* history museum feels like rearranging deck chairs this week.
Ugh. Thought I had a meeting at 10, and was like, “crap don’t have time to go poo first” then I realized the meeting wasn’t until 11, so I proceeded to act like I had a bunch of free time, do a bunch of other stuff and now it is 10:55 and I still haven’t been to the bathroom. Why, brain? Why?
We’re having a rough one today (when aren’t we) but I do like this! Go Nikki go!
I just went from 0 to 100 when it comes to giving a hoot about the Olympics! I will be seated and loudly cheering! “The American track star defended their national championship in a final 1500m race at the US Olympic Track and Field trials with a record time.”
Trans athlete heading to Paris Olympics after record Trans non-binary athlete Nikki Hiltz is heading to the Paris Olympics 2024 after winning a 1500m qualifier with a record US trials time.
Blissfully oblivious to whatever shenanigans are going around On Here. Being stabbed by a small cat. Should probably think about doing some laundry while it’s mostly not too sticky outside to dry… But the cat is sitting on me now. Scroll continues.
I'm eating my breakfast with a spoon (it's a potato frittata) rather than use the evil large fork, so... that's where I am.
Gosh, I sure do wonder why this could be…
it’s very odd to me that the people concerned about Biden’s age are neither 1) saying to give it to Harris or 2) arguing that Biden should replace Harris
That last panel… Honestly though, I could get behind little narwhal sperm, evolutionary missed opportunity!
In under the wire with my #MakeATerribleComicDay2024 entry. With thanks to my favourite weirdo,
“Report Junk” needs a more aggressive option. Like “Shock Collar The Sender.” The “asset” - you mean my house, where I live? And do you think identifying as landlords is going to win you points somehow? Fuck off, leech.
Why is it so hard to get the sandwich filling to the edge of the bread?
I’m just feeling out of sync today. Like parts of my body want to be moving at different speeds from each other? I don’t like it and would like to go back to bed until it stops. So of course it’s a long day at work today.
Bean salad!!
Superb bean salad. Photo from a book in my collection: The Book of Kittens, edited by Brant House, 1951.
Bah, I just realized that I made a silly little graphic and I actively wasn't posting it online because I didn't want it to get scraped/stolen/turned into AI trash, and how sad is that?
I’m not one of those “voting will save us” folks, but neither do I think it doesn’t MATTER, especially in local elections where you’re statistically more significant and primaries, where you have some ability to steer the behemoths.
Primary day today (not in my district, my 30 year incumbent has that shit on lock) and I just realized the rest of my family now all live in the same district, which seems weird to me. (Send a reminder text, and actually caught one who didn’t realize there WAS a primary!)
Primary day today (not in my district, my 30 year incumbent has that shit on lock) and I just realized the rest of my family now all live in the same district, which seems weird to me. (Send a reminder text, and actually caught one who didn’t realize there WAS a primary!)
Iconic. I spent so much time on Pern in my imagination as a kid, always accompanied by Whelan’s vision of the dragons.
DRAGONFLIGHT (1978) Acrylic on Masonite - 20" X 30" For the first book in Anne McCaffrey's now legendary Dragonriders of Pern series, I wanted to create a literal visualization of the title. I selected an aerial point-of-view and tilted the horizon to simulate the dizzying sensation of flight. 1/4
She always tells me that the coffee she makes for me is full of loves…
Is there a word for that sense of wanting to have or to do something, but not being at all conscious of what that thing might be? It’s very vexing.
I’ve just realized that I am WILDLY more likely to follow random folks I cross paths with here if their user name involves animals. TBH, it’s served me reasonably well, some of my favorite mutuals are in this category. I just didn’t realize what a trend it had become.
One million percent. (Entered via keyboard, because I actually meant 998,238%.)
God I hate sliders as a UI/UX thing where I wanna be able to set a value and there isn't any text input with it. Like, for fucks sake. I want a specific value, it makes sense to have a specific value here, LET ME INPUT A SPECIFIC VALUE. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE VALUE GOES INTO THE HUNDREDS 1 BY 1.
I just want to say that *THIS* is the kind of Discourse I want to see more of around here, m’kay?
I am 47 years old, happily married, successful in my field, and still angry about Secret of NIMH’s total betrayal of the rats of NIMH’s scientific and rational ethos.
Majestic Floof stares judgmentally. (Probably at that ivy I need to get off the screen…)
Ok, I'm supposed to be doing homework, if you see me On Here the rest of the day, you should probably scold me.
I'm going to need some folks from the way back in the 757* to appreciate this joke for me. *positive it was still the 804 when they stopped publishing the afternoon paper...
Exactly! The Daily Discourse in the morning and the Times-Heard-It in the afternoon...
Some days I wish there was a Daily Discourse Brief available when I get up, but honestly, no one actually needs that in their life.