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i do not mind fighting the bears in life truth and reality overcome many things i am a realist i believe in what is in front of me and god
i should be super man
could it have all been staged ??
yes there is little common sense any more and very little problem solving it is all solved with a bullet these days but i think this was the effect of adding floride to the drinking water
kind of looks like a hitler speech i used to see in old news reels
as far as teaching history it is not happening slavery and things are being changed in history even why things have happened in america
when you combine minorities you will eventually get a majority and being not everyone votes you just need enough to out vote the opposition this is why it is so important to get like minded people registered to vote in november and make sure they go vote even if you need to organize trips
it is said when we forget the past or dont learn from the past we will repeat it in the future check the rise of the nazi party in america in the early 1900s before ww2 and white christian nationalism of the early 1900s and remember trump is backed by both groups now
yes i agree but i have also noticed the start of the 1900 seems to coincide with 2000 from influenza pandimice of 1918-1919 to covid then there is recession and depression of the teens and 20s and war in europe which becae ww1 and ww2 is history repeating or what
i got to add i voted trump in 2020 but i am not fooled and seems i can not convince even my son i dont hate trump i just can not vote for a criminal for the white house
the cult and i live in maga land call it all political from trumps crimes to his killing our over seas spy net work it is all dems political deceptions they fail to understand the truth i talk to them daily on all this kind of stuff and not one believes any of it they can not see the truth
i still need to wonder if this bird flu follows the track of the chinese spy ballon anyone got any data on that ??
yup we live and learn some never learn anything but greed(trump)
looks like one duck was surprised to see you too
yes she got patents for voting machines and body bags and she runs a fashion business trump sent her and hubby on diplomatic missions to receive gifts for him why did they need voting machine patents ????? then lets talk 2 billion dollars or russian gold jr sold for the saudis
i had an orange one and older i had many motorcycles i cant grip the handles anymore because of arthritis in the hands and can not mountain climb same issue wind surfing is out too now and because of welding so is scuba diving all i have left is gambling and i rarely do that
i dont see the bikes with banana seats come back yet they were great for friends to ride on now they peg it or run
made in china and trump wants a trade war with china
they look for kids first then failing to have kids the air drums or guitar as well as the wreck they drive
my vote is for trump to wear gitmo green undies for life with a new corner cell //office let him have a desk to pretend he is president as he has been doing since he was voted out of office please read up on frontotemporal dementia means trump is insane
lol or that we are going about this all wrong we just need to wait till they all kill each other and hope they keep it all republican
when i was a kid the high top sneakers were the bomb i really have not seen many since then till trumps golden sneakers i was a kid in the 60s and 70s so is trump out of time or what and they are ugly at that it will take a true cult member to own a pair wonder how many still have the online cards
trumps goal is self protection then to the rich and no where does it help the rest of america the 98% of us this is how fascists dictate and gain wealth taking from the poor
would you be willing to bet he abuses his wife and kids ? saying that and looking at his eye shadow lets say husband
as trump has proven words can be a dangerous thing and far more deadly than any other weapon on earth
naw i just told him hanging upside down was just good decompression therapy
caption MEWS REPORT mass kitty sighting we are not sure if they were just bored to sleep or if some rat woke them up beware walking on this side walk more mews as it unfolds
lol life begins in lust / sexual attraction but i will buy into it go for it
the lathe of heaven is the power to create or recreate other than being a book