
I have said all along that I think Biden will win in November; I know he is the only choice to preserve this disgrace of a democracy. And still, this is terrible. It is shameful. That this is the best we have on both sides? The moderators refuse to moderate. It’s fucking ridiculous.
It is WILD that in 2024 neither moderator will check Trump On his lies. Even Chris Wallace would do it!
“If there is some egregious fact that needs to be checked or the record needs to be made clear, Jake and Dana can do that," David Chalian, CNN’s political director, told the AP. "But that’s not their role. They are not here to participate in this debate. They are here to facilitate a debate.”
As a longtime facilitator, I don't think we have the same definition of the word.
Then, as I said elsewhere, I don’t understand why in the hell there are journalists moderating. Have Ryan Seacrest or Pat Sajak do it.
They aren’t facilitating anything. They are merely acting like a teleprompter.
There's been nonstop egregious factual claims from Trump, and the number they've checked has been somewhere between fuck-all and zilch.
It can’t even be called a debate. It’s painfully embarrassing to watch, especially with such high stakes
I can’t get over how the they say “thank you” as a signal that they’re moving on to the next topic. Just say “moving on”—do not say “thank you” for a bunch of nonsense and lies! This is not hard!!
CNN clearly reveling in this train wreck for chasing ad dollars
Someone younger than 60 would get 400 electoral votes against Trump
We know Jake Tapper has teeth. Where the fuck is THAT guy tonight?
After watching this. I’d not be so confident that Biden will win anything in November.
This can't be real. This can't be us
I had to turn it off, cleaning while watching wasn't doing the trick
Agree100%! WTF is WRONG with this country? Why are people unable to see that we are sailing over a cliff with no way back? Why have we come to this? We are in RED ALERT but the majority of people don’t seem to worry about it!
siri would have been a better moderator
I think with a functional election system, Biden will win in November. The issue is how functional is the system? Seems like Team Trump is going all on on making the election apparatus non functional.
I wish I could share your confidence. I think most people are incapable of doing the right thing if it is even remotely difficult. We saw what the Bernie Bros did in 2016...
More than one voice has said here in the morning after re: the moderators, :"You know, computers could do the same thing."