
feel like this is such an important point about accessibility overall people don't realize that framing someone's everyday lived experience as something inherently negative is not sympathy or solidarity it's actually extremely fucked up!
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
even behaviors that seem benign like assuming someone must wish for a cure are contributing to this framing! we have to be more careful.
people assume that if they're not making overt statements about how bad someone's disability must be then they're not being harmful but making comments to the converse--such as wouldn't life be better without it--are doing the exact same thing.
have that happen here about 50/50 whenever i skeet about my LC and it kinda got to me the first time, like, i hadn’t really considered that, thanks..?
the weird thing is this is completely true and also, some of us who are desperately ill with brutal, violent chronic illness very much DO wish for a cure. so i also don't want an abled person picking up this one bit of the social model and denying my reality. people need to listen to individuals.
Yeah, "assume" is doing important work in the OP for sure.
have a brother w/ autism. saw people & orgs (specifically autism speaks) making these big dramatic overtures on β€œfinding a cure.” and of course they’d never actually ask autistic people their thoughts about any of it. very frustrating
wow it would actually suck very much to hear someone talk about you like that!!
omg lol i legit mentioned autism speaks in another comment. yes!! i do not hate being autistic, i actually really like a lot of things about how my brain works, i just hate that people and the world can be very shitty about it!