
I don’t know what it means but when I see things like special operations hammers and tape measures, it makes me think bin Laden succeeded in irreversibly damaging the American psyche in ways few of us could have even fathomed.
Dang this blew up while I was working in the yard contemplating the irony that my trimming and mowing tools are called “Ego” in the context of this post.
I'm going to start a line of tactical, military grade cooking tools.
have you seen the baby gear that is military themed? because apparently using a daiper bag that is baby-themed is somehow less manly than caring for the child you created. 🤦‍♀️
The sad thing about it is that sticking MOLLE on baby gear is a genuinely good idea that's buried under eight thousand tons of toxic masculinity.
I absolutely would have loved a MOLLE baby carrier and bag, had there been any available that weren't decorated in a way that would shame me beyond recovery. Instead, I had to resort to multiple carabiners on the straps.
Get the lightest color camo you can, and Rit dye it pink!
mmm. as with many things in western culture.
They beat you to the tactical spork...
I already have a heavy-duty grill spatula in the shape of an American flag (it was a gift, and actually works well. Don't judge me.)
Good spatula. Big, colossal, largely unconscious strategic error to allow the flag, from the inside, to become solely a symbol of evil by way of disowning it.
Might get more young men to learn how to cook
Some might say you’re helping bridge civ-mil divide.
At least you're not dealing with Superego or Monsters from the Id.
If the price of that hammer is anything less than $15,000 you’re not getting Pentagon-approved hardware.
No-one wastes tax payer money like the government.
I'll bet you that shit is made in China and not made well. I'm not convinced bin Laden didn't have the entire country brain damage but it did grave damage to a very high percentage of Americans with Y chromosomes.
This is from their site "All of our tools are designed and engineered in the USA by a team of veterans and industry professionals. Our tools are produced in the USA and Taiwan, with some items coming from other locations including China and Vietnam." to me this says "we make 1 thing in the US" lol
it might even be one of those scammy things where like, the head and handle of a hammer are manufactured in china, but they put them together in the US, so they can say "made in the USA" on them
~1990 when I was in college, I worked a temp job in a factory around Milford PA, my line's function was to: 1. receive the completed products from overseas, 2. remove one solder joint, 3. re-solder the joint, and 4. slap a MADE IN USA sticker on it. That's when I learned what MADE IN USA meant.
U-S-A! U-S-A! US-*drops soldering iron on leg*AAAAARGH!
Can't even claim worker's comp, as all accidents derived from patriotic reverie are not covered.
It's that or prison labor. 😒
As someone with a small biz that sells made in Montana products, that just makes me so mad!
Basicslly If you want something that is truly made in the USA you have to buy something from a defense contractor because they're legally obligated to have the traceability for it lmao
The keyword is "Berry Compliant," at least for clothing.
Ford recently landed in hot water doing something similar to circumvent the Chicken Tax on some of their vans.
There's also a certain amount of manufacturing in the Northern Marianas that qualifies for "made in the USA" labels but the territorial status means US labor law doesn't apply. I want to say that's mostly shoes and clothing though.
Isn't this every single consumer product in the United States
IDK about all of em but surely most
This all looks exactly like the DeWalt stuff Home Depot sells with a pallet swap. The only thing they engineered is the marketing
and they didn't even do a good job with THAT
Whenever I see “made with real cheese” on a snack I always think that it's made with cheese, like it's a person there with them as the people make the food, as opposed to an ingredient.
The one thing they made in the USA was the idea
When "Made in the USA" means moved from one box to another before shipping on to distributors.
Communism won 🇺🇲
I wish it won harder 😤
The damage was already there. The OG “I need help” hobby.
You ever read Confederates in the Attic?
I have never seen that photo before. I love it. Decades ago, friends of mine and I would heckle southern re-enactors. It became too dangerous (we were chased by too many of them) but there are few more fulfilling free things to do with your time.
There is a place for historical interpretation, and that includes living history demonstrations about the lives of U.S. and CS soldiers, but if you think that you’re still fighting the war or “honoring” a dead ancestor, think again.
I have a hard enough time finding my goddamned tape measure when it's neon fucking orange, the LAST thing I need is a camo one, or a tactical assault hammer.
This is also a problem I have with the proliferation of tacti-cool hunting/fishing/camping gear. Yeah, I want my blind & camo to be, well, camo. I do NOT want my tent stakes, phone case, or multitool camouflaged, I need to FIND them again if I drop them!
I wish you weren't right.
The shift in perception of Army Navy surplus from when I was growing up pre-9/11 to now is incredible. And this isn’t even surplus.
And my instagram is full of new money petite bourgeoisie in exurbs crossfitting in home gyms in plate carriers preparing for the day the shit hits the fan and they’ll have to whisk their families to safety (while shitting on migrants who are doing just that).
One of our employees got into that shit and recently asked me if he had purchased the “right” plate carrier and I almost had an aneurysm right there. “I dunno Ryan, what’s gonna blend into the environment in Milton? Does Lily Pulitzer make a plate carrier?”