Georgia is a Verb

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Georgia is a Verb

Ambushed by adulthood and responsibility.

Gin Enthusiast, College Football Moron, Former Intelligence Officer. W&L/UGA. He/Him.
Dem outreach to DSA swing state chapters: *youth pastor voice* "You know who else needed help from his wife to run day to day operations?"
Turned on the TV and it went to Fox and holy shit Randy Jackson looks like a bag of mashed up assholes. Did he get hooked on meth?
She was looking her absolute cutest today.
The 7yo shall henceforth be known as the 8yo
Suck an entire satchel of dicks, Vladimir
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
More freedom in one picture than the modern mind can comprehend
Showed up in one of my feeds for July 4:
The other place is now selling me a $39 bottle of cologne meant to emulate another bottle that costs $500. Question: who tf is still wearing cologne in the year of our lord 2024?
She’ll speak to your tree.
I don't think I even know what this fetish is
The Beef Council ad in which they promote beef as “the perfect gametime snack” for child athletes is the most demented thing I’ve seen on television this year
The riff on Sloop John B they stuck in the middle of John Allyn Smith Sails
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
Fun to come home to a gift from your new vendor from Kentucky
Lit like crime scene photos, but it’s an improvement
I can’t figure out how I feel about the SkyClubs with self-service bars. On the one hand, saves me in tip money, on the other hand, it doesn’t taste as good if I have to make it myself.
WaPo: why doesn’t anyone take our reporting seriously? Also WaPo:
Perspective by Stephen P. Leatherman: Digging holes in sand might seem innocent, but experts recommend never digging a hole deeper than the knee height of the shortest person in your group — with two feet being the maximum depth.
Perspective | There’s real danger in digging deep holes on a sandy Experts recommend never digging a hole deeper than the knee height of the shortest person in your group — with two feet being the maximum depth.
Came up in a different context: I will say horrible things about your school: Texas, Clemson, Florida, Bama. It’s fun! But: your school has amazing people who deserve to be celebrated. I will celebrate them. And ultimately, the celebration is the real thing. I love cheering for a positive change.
It’s interesting, because I’ve said before (and meant it) that I have become a more thoughtful and aware person since becoming Online, but it isn’t because I engaged in dialogue — I just discarded old ideas and adopted new ones through osmosis.
Back when Trump was first elected, a lot of my Twitter followers were people I knew personally. So started retweeting anti-Trump republicans and the occasional libertarian pointing out how Trump violated every principle they had. It did absolutely nothing. Didn't even start a single conversation.
Tfw a “double Monkey 47 & tonic, splash tonic, short glass” is a 4 oz pour
Viktor Orban looks like he is midway through metamorphosis into a sentient potato dumpling
Mark Warner is a shithead opportunist who deserves to be cast out of the party and replaced with literally any breathing body because anyone with the letter D next to their name could’ve won that seat
Texas’ recruiting strategy reminds me of a former customer (he sold out 15+ years ago) who, when he met his now-wife, per his own description, “she was dating a guy with a bigger dick than me, so I bought her a Corvette.”
Peak Texas Recruiting Blog guy INCREASES confidence after a guy commits to Oregon
Oh god, the couple next to me are influencers of some sort
After seven miles of high-altitude hiking, children can have some tubing, as a treat.
For the second morning this week, I am contemplating a question for which there is no wrong answer.
The girls are doing a series of one-woman shows for my bedridden wife’s entertainment. The eldest, somehow, seems to have picked up the rudiments of Irish Dancing. To our knowledge, she has never been exposed to Irish Dancing. We are confuse.
“I’m just trying to wake up and start my day—“ “NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND!”
Imagine this only being the second most embarrassing thing to happen to you in your career
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava