Ryan Doerfler

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Ryan Doerfler


Professor at Harvard Law
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We're down 13 people in English in the fall, 11 of them permanently. WVU cuts have reduced our department by more than 1/3. A third! Last night, WVU faculty and friends celebrated those who are leaving. So many careers ended; so many student futures curtailed. www.thedaonline.com/news/past-an...
Past and present WVU faculty gather for “The Big Goodbye”www.thedaonline.com Past and present faculty, students and campus community members gathered to honor faculty members laid off during “Academic Transformation” at “The Big Goodbye” Wednesday.
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Important new NLRB decision finding that a worker who wrote "BLM" on their work apron was engaged in protected concerted activity. Key to this decision: the worker was part of a group advocating for management to do more to address racism in their workplace
Breaking: The NLRB rules that Home Depot violated the law by firing an employee in New Brighton Minnesota, for refusing to remove the hand-drawn letters “BLM” — the acronym for “Black Lives Matter” — from their work apron. Several other workers also wore “BLM” markings
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The LPE Project is delighted to announce that we are teaming up with @peoplesparity.bsky.social to offer an open course/reading group (for EVERYONE not just law students/profs) on one of the most urgent political questions of our time: WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE COURTS?! lpeproject.org/events/open-...
Open Course: What To Do About the Courtslpeproject.org The Law and Political Economy Project and the People's Parity Project are teaming up to offer an open course/reading group on the urgent question of what to do about the courts in our current…
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Excited to share my new article, “Vindicating Public Rights.” As SCOTUS considers limiting SEC’s powers in Jarkesy, it recovers the history and theory of public rights—to health, safety, and equality—to legitimate administrative power. papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers....
Vindicating Public Rightspapers.ssrn.com Formalist jurists are constructing a new kind of administrative law. In this emerging regime of private prerogative, rights of property and contract receive hei
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I've been wanting to write this for a while, about what the university "free speech wars" (today, plagiarism wars) are really about. Though right wing billionaires are driving the thing, the problems, and solutions, run much deeper. Welcome your thoughts.
The Real Lessons We Should Draw from Claudine Gay’s Resignationlpeproject.org Free speech at universities hangs in the balance. But defending it will require much more than just resisting the assaults coming from billionaires and right-wing influencers.
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“Hospitals acquired by private equity saw a 25% uptick in adverse events compared with controls… The findings add to an accumulating body of literature underscoring the harm that occurs when financial investors take over health care providers — not only hospitals, but nursing homes, hospice care”
Complications spiked 25% in hospitals bought by private equitywww.statnews.com Adverse events at hospitals like falls and infections spiked 25% after private equity took over, a new study found.
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Would the debate over eligibility be being playing out any differently if Trump were running from prison?
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Today, the blog asked seven law and tech experts - John Mark Newman, Veena Dubal, Salome Viljoen, Ifeoma Ajunwa, Nikolas Guggenberger, Elettra Bietti, Jason Jackson & JS Tan - to share their initial reactions to Biden's recent executive order on AI.
Seven Reactions to Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligencelpeproject.org This past month, President Biden issued an executive order on artificial intelligence that addresses a wide array of concerns about the nascent technology: risks to national security…
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Making my Atlantic debut this morning with a warning about Jarkesy, a case the Supreme Court is hearing this Wednesday. www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
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Horrible news. 3 Palestinian students shot in Burlington.
More details here. Also seeing reported that the Palestinian students are undergrads at Brown and Haverford. www.wcax.com/2023/11/26/p...
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A super important post by 20+ LPE Professors on the political economic pressures faced by law students & precarious faculty re: pro-Palestinian speech and why law schools must be honest about the problem and actively work to protect their students and staff! lpeproject.org/blog/a-call-...
A Call for Institutional Fairness on Palestinelpeproject.org In the past several weeks, white-shoe law firms, government officials, and advocacy organizations have placed worrisome pressure on the internal governance of our institutions and workplaces.
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Today, Amna Akbar (@amnaakbar.bsky.social) kicks off a symposium on non-reformist reforms, examining how left social movements are turning to this framework to inform their tactics and strategies. Look forward to posts from Karl Klare, Tara Raghuveer, Fanna Gamal, Zohra Ahmed, and Jamelia Morgan!
A Horizon Beyond Legalism: On Non-Reformist Reformslpeproject.org Today’s left social movements are increasingly turning to a framework of "non-reformist reform" to guide their efforts to build a just society. But what do non-reformist reforms require?
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This is a characteristically excellent run-down of what's going on with the debt cancellation rulemaking. It's about attempting to plug holes in the existing system to get it moving forward again, not even close to what SCOTUS struck down. And it's still likely to get struck down by SCOTUS, IMO
1-I wrote about the new, circumscribed effort at student debt relief, which mostly tries to fix parts of the system that have spun out of control: accumulating interest, seniors with debt payments, worthless diploma mills, servicer incompetence.
Student Debt Relief’s Narrow Pathprospect.org The administration has lowered its sights. But what’s left would still represent an improved system for financing higher education.
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Massive national march to demand a ceasefire in Gaza happening in Washington DC right now.
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“Jane and I, we belong to the same church. We fundamentally believe that people have power—not as props, not as resources, but as people with agency.”
How Jane McAlevey Transformed the Labor Movementwww.newyorker.com The renowned organizer and theorist has a terminal-cancer diagnosis. But she has long been fighting the clock.
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If, in the midst of *this* magnifying and continuing catastrophe *of which oir government is a but for cause,* the primary topic among intelligent and caring people today, Saturday, is Harvard student politics ... I simply give up any and all hope that I have apparently wrongly held.
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"Who can begrudge tears for those lost to violence? Nevertheless, how to grieve, what meaning to give those tears, is cruelly a political question whether we like it or not." from @gabrielwinant.bsky.social , vision and heartbreak
On Mourning and Statehood: A Response to Joshua Leifer - Dissent Magazinewww.dissentmagazine.org How to grieve, what meaning to give those tears, is cruelly a political question whether we like it or not.
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Very difficult to say there is anything at all heartening about this day. But in the silver linings universe, at least a critical mass consensus seems to be emerging that we, the US, are acting here. We are responsible, in a real sense. This isn't some conflict to which we are passive third parties.
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1. There is nowhere to go. Gaza is 139 sq mi/365 sq km (DC is 177) 2. There is no way to get there. Spoke to a humanitarian friend. Many of Gaza's roads not usable 3. There is no out. Rafah crossing was bombed this week. Egypt won't host millions of refugees www.theguardian.com/world/2023/o...
Gaza residents told to move south as Israel prepares for expected ground assaultwww.theguardian.com UN says Israeli military has given 1.1 million Gaza residents 24 hours to move amid warnings it could cause ‘devastating humanitarian consequences’
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Things are coming together for the podcast on the history of the CIO that I've been working on with @alexnpress.bsky.social, @andrewelrod.bsky.social, Emma Teitelman, @gabrielwinant.bsky.social, @yesnomabie.bsky.social. We now have a Patreon page. www.patreon.com/notification...
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