
game 7 of the world series, final inning. I'm at bat with two outs. my team is down by one, with one on base. the pitcher slips on a banana peel and sends the ball sailing slowly and gracefully directly over home plate. "I won't swing," I think, "that wouldn't be fair"
The Biden campaign has no plans for paid ads involving the verdict, a source tells me. That cannot set the tone for the whole party. There's a big opening to use this against not just Trump, but also Rs who attacked our system to put him above the law.
I’m hopeful that they mean this narrowly, in that the Biden campaign itself won’t run ads on it but PACs will. That could actually make sense.
watching the easiest softball i've ever seen slowly head toward me and thinking, "what would merrick garland do?"
This is the most important election of our lifetimes, but we also aren't going to try too hard. Can you please setup a monthly donation to support this fight?
Felonious Trump has a nice ring to it.
Precisely what we were worried about prior to the verdict. Biden wants to be above it all and run his campaign against someone normal, instead of his real, dangerous, criminal opponent
If you don't campaign on it now and wait for the media to do your job for you, tons of people will never get the message at all. You'll risk negative backlash. You have to try! What made all those scandals of past politicians stick was people willing to exploit them!
And they wonder why the low information voter doesn’t seem to care…because you don’t seem to care that much. “Can’t be that big of a deal”
I turn and whisper to the umpire, "Unity".
I see stories like this and just pray they are counting on PACs to go to town on that message. If I had a billion $$ I’d constantly be buying ads filled with the Law & Order “dom-dom” sound. I’m not above being super petty.
Won’t somebody think of the decorum?!
the worst fucking part of this? if they manage to win, despite their own complete incompetence, they will treat it as vindication for their dumb shit lazy ass "strategy"
Democrats get themselves into Airbud situations. Team shows up with a dog on their roster and they cry how it's against the rules, it defies the norms! When really they should just avoid stepping in the dog shit on their way to throw down tomahawk dunk after dunk and run up the score
polling probably shows it moves no votes and risks backfire. They're right to ignore the passions of the liberal commentariat and focus just on issues that touch voters' lives. But they'd be lots better off if they'd delivered on paid family leave, child tax credit & expanded Medicare instead of BIF
plus, the news is delivering voters Trump conviction info very widely without Biden's help, and they risk discrediting it as partisan if they campaign with it