
Here's a big reason Trump's conviction is such a powerful moment: It shatters the myth of his invincibility. Dems need to banish the phrase "his negatives are baked in" forever, and use this against him, ruthlessly and effectively. My take:
Trump’s Stunning Guilty Verdict Shatters His Aura of His conviction on 34 felony counts is powerful new information, and we should hold institutional Democrats responsible if they don’t use it—ruthlessly and effectively.
Trump cultivates the aura of invincibility relentlessly. Up until a few hours ago, it was possible to believe he was going to skate yet again. He was getting away with all of it. Until he didn't. That's a big inflection point, and Dems should grab it.
The Biden campaign has no plans for paid ads involving the verdict, a source tells me. That cannot set the tone for the whole party. There's a big opening to use this against not just Trump, but also Rs who attacked our system to put him above the law.
When Trump's thug campaign manager attacked Larry Hogan for daring to say we should respect the outcome, it showed that Team Trump knows he's deeply vulnerable on this -- if Dems make the case effectively. There is a good story to tell here.
Trump's aura of invincibility has always been strange: *Impeached twice *Presided over biggest GOP losses in decades *Lost reelection after only one term secured in election where he lost popular vote *Never once had majority support *Now convicted felon
"Rapist and convicted felon"
That's a bonus for the GOP
(The rapist part to be clear; remains to be seen how the felon component plays out)
Trump can't be their invincible strongman if he's repeatedly shown to be a loser, weak, guilty, low energy
He has no clothes. The importance of each humiliation is not to turn the voting public on a dime, but just to peel off another 1%-2% until he doesn't have a shot of winning. A few more decide they can't keep up the act anymore, and stop pretending that he isn't the pathetic figure that he clearly is
And if he loses in Nov it is ALL over. No more politicos stepping in, no more convenient court delays, no more of his cases magically disappearing. Everything finally comes down on his head. No one will be left for him.
He's always been able to deflect his failures onto those around him and because he surrounds himself with sycophants and "yes men" they take the blame. He tried to use a bastardized version of the Advice of Counsel Defense to lay the blame at the feet of his Lawyers.
Four times business failures in bankruptcies Lost money running a casino Three failed marriages
Also massive civil judgments against him and his company
Trump once bragged about winning the Presidency on his "first try", lying about the previous two times that he'd failed to get nominated (2000 and 2012)
Easier to explain if you think media props him up. All media, particularly legacy media, yeah, that big, lib, MSM.
But he had a huge impact on the only thing that will outlive him...the composition of the federal court.
"you just ended your campaign" is that guy for real? lol
That’s true but also let them fight. Hogan deserves the same fate as Trump. A blowout loss on Election Day
Why are they so afraid to punch back?
here’s hoping it does kill hogan’s campaign tho
This is driving me insane. You don't even have to attack him. Just run wall-to-wall morning-in-America rule-of-law equal-opportunity eagle bait, and do it YESTERDAY
This, basically, but just 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘥
TikTok has been flooded today with normal people of all ages and backgrounds reacting to the verdict reporting in real time with relief and happiness. Plenty of people short circuiting as well but right wing media has insulated these people from the reality: a lot of regular people fucking hate him
Why are they like this again?
They aren’t and you should stop posting stupid things.
Isn’t this what Super PACs are for? And it’s arguably more important for these ads to run in House races. Pushing House turnout is pushing Biden turnout too.
They need to beat this horse to death and then back to life.
Biden seems to be doing everything he can to go down w/o a fight.
Like he did last time he ran against Trump. Oh. wait.
Biden lucked into every advantage and it was still far too close.
Biden has never lost an election. You might reflect on that but probably won't.
It's like they think that political campaigns are beneath them or something...
"His negatives are baked in"? What does that even mean?
It means that almost everyone in the country has an opinion on the man already, and to his die-hard fans, this won't move the needle because it just proves their prior beliefs.
Thanks. Seems like a bad argument though, right? By that logic, there's no point in campaigning at all. I'd think the right strategy is to ignore all the locked-in votes and focus on the undecideds, where proper messaging on this really could have a big impact
Yeah, I agree. I mean if I was the Dems I would be making an entire ad campaign making a big fuckin deal of the conviction. But they seem to generally prioritize politeness over success.
If that holds true and they don't it'll be one of the biggest acts of political malpractice I can think of, ever.
I'd leave those ads to dark money supported by unlimited contributions that can do Trump's-a-felon ads til the cows come home home. The Dems can't legally orchestrate or direct that, but Individual Democrats can start committees that can hammer on this theme.
The Biden campaign and mainstream Dems still believe Trump is an outlier, despite the fact that every majority GOP legislature has been busily and shamelessly rigging the game for over a decade.
Let's be clear -- they *are* using this in messaging (I've already gotten 18 texts about it from various campaigns and orgs including Biden Official). Using it in *paid spend* is just one slice of the marketing ops -- budgets aren't infinite.
Idk man I literally got an email today from biden saying how good the conviction was.
Sure it wasn't as PAC, rather than the DNC or his office directly?
Instead of going after Trump they’re inviting Bibi to a joint session, hand in hand with the Republican house. They do not respect their base. Sad but inescapable to me
Why must we adhere to notions of politeness and fair play when the other side wants to hang us?
It's impossible to get more feckless than this pathetic display of learned helplessness. Brokered convention with the reanimated corpse of LBJ, please.
They don't have plans right now, they don't have plans to ever, or they plan not to ever?
That should also scrap any plans they have to ask me for money to support their lame-ass messaging.
We are watching the death of the Republican Party taken over by mobsters. Republicans simply open their mouths on cable TV to prove this.
I'm so perplexed by this? Who does this serve?