

twitter refugee, semiconductor engineer in the PNW via SF Bay and from VA. I just finished reading Hawai'ki Rising by Sam Low, I had read before about the Hokule'a but I had no idea of the challenges and tragedy during the early voyages. Incredible how Mau Piailug helped revive traditional navigation by sharing it with people from other islands
Reposted by sailorbp
Hey Oregon folks, quick reminder that our wastewater data dashboard still exists if you're looking for ways to gauge covid risk over the summer (and other respiratory diseases in the fall):
Reposted by sailorbp
the CDC is again trying to limit the 2024-25 booster availability to provably immunocompromised and elderly people. they’re taking written comments through the 17th. please take a minute to let them know boosters should be available to all who want them:
Yesterday I was tying off my boat after a day-sail, and my multi-tool slipped out of my open PFD pocket and went splash! into the water. I know it's there 15 feet down, but being stainless steel I don't think a magnet will let me retrieve it...
I started watching a documentary about Mae West last night, having only seen her in brief clips she has always been sort of a caricature image to me... but 30 minutes in WOW, she owned it! Went to jail for a play named SEX and made it into PR. Dictated terms to the studio. Gave actors their start. ❤️
Reposting so I can keep track of all the suggestions here for authors that Terry Pratchett fans would like!
Ok Pratchett fans, I finished my complete Discworld re-read and now II'm flailing to find similar style writing to read now. I tried to re-read Hitchhiker's and it was disappointing in comparison. What's a good *Pratchett-esque* author to read now? Please read my request carefully before replying.
Reposted by sailorbp
The Tulsa Race Massacre began on May 31, 1921 and lasted for two days until June 1, 1921. White supremacists killed dozens of Black people and burned the Greenwood District aka Black Wall Street to the ground. There are people who survived this massacre that are still alive today.
Reposted by sailorbp
Trudeau has the perfect image for this day:
Reposted by sailorbp
Today I learned about this elaborate eulogy carved into stone of a 1st c Roman husband for his wife (identity uncertain, traditionally referred to as "Turia") It’s the longest personal document of this kind. He loved her a lot, they were married for 40 years. Highlights: 1/
Reposted by sailorbp
This is pretty interesting - Norway has one of the most (if not *the* most) beneficial policy settings for young families, with extremely generous leave and worker protections, but the rate at which people are having kids here continues to fall
Stortinget diskuterer kortare arbeidstid for små Ein ny familie- og verdikonstellasjon på Stortinget vil ha «hentefri» for å lette byrda på travle småbarnsforeldre.
Reposted by sailorbp
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Reposted by sailorbp
Hi y'all, I've been extra absent for more than a week because I have been DOING BATTLE with an ANONYMOUS ASSAILANT who has been trying to steal my identity and my credit. The battle isn't over yet. But I wanted to share some lessons. I'll give a TL;DR first. 1/
I learned a lot just now reading this thread
Hello newskies! (And oldskies too) Bluesky doesn’t have just one algorithm, it has many, and you can pick what you like (or write your own). Here’s a few I made and a few i like: Quiet Posters, posts from people you follow who don’t post that often whose posts you might normally miss
Reposted by sailorbp
please please tell your friends and loved ones about — a completely free site. they offer free tests, and FREE TREATMENT. no insurance needed. literally did not enter any insurance or payment info and i got a paxlovid script in an hour. please share. huge h/t to ♥️
As Covid rises again, killing about 1,500 Americans each week, researchers are trying to understand why so few high-risk patients are taking Paxlovid, a medicine that is stunningly effective in preventing severe illness and death from the disease.
Paxlovid Cuts Covid Death Risk. But Those Who Need It Are Not Taking With Covid deaths rising to about 1,500 per week, researchers question why Paxlovid use has remained low among high-risk patients.
Ugh, my sister and her husband in the UK just tested + after a trip to Paris, fortunately they are eligible for meds 🤞
Just joined Bluesky today, looking up people I followed on the other site, and already blocked someone! Fun Fun Fun...
End of feed.