Sam Gad Jones

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Sam Gad Jones

Financial Times journalist in Berlin. Security and foreign policy. And right wing populism. Also still doing🇨🇭🇦🇹.

Formerly FT investigations, UCLSSEES, FT defence & security editor and a long time ago the LSE.

Skiing, cycling and reading.
Huw van Steenis makes the very compelling argument (by implication) that tough post 2008 rules on securitisation are why the financing for the energy transition is struggling, imperilling climate targets in the West.
Europe needs a bolder plan for capital [FREE TO READ] From the green transition to the digital transformation, the requirement is enormous
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Biden trails Trump by just 2 points across key states, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult shows, even as three in 10 Democrats say he should leave the race
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Good morning Tory SpAds!
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Sometimes you can be proud to be British
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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"What experience do you have which makes you suitable for this job?" "Well I used to work in social media for the Conservative Par.." "Get out." Two days of this left to go folks.
I would add that the patient is, lamentably, also conscious. “It’s like open heart surgery,” said Geissler. “No one has experience of carrying out repairs on this kind of scale. It’s uncharted territory.”
Deutsche Bahn struggles to shake off ‘travel hell’ Delays mar Germany’s once well-respected rail network, with massive repair work still ahead
In a shock move, chancellor Olaf Scholz opted not to provide concrete promises or details
Chancellor Olaf Scholz was supposed to come to the Polish capital bearing gifts to salve the wounds left by German wartime depredations. But that's not what happened.
Germany’s Scholz fails to announce compensation plan for Polish survivors of Nazi The failure to reach an agreement is a major setback for the German and Polish leaders as they try to mend relations.
SCOTUS majority: the line between official and unofficial acts is a sane legal division and the circumstances in which it might be abused are unforeseeably wild, you wet liberal doom-mongers. *One day later* Trump legal team: my crimes as a unelected presidential candidate were official acts.
Trump Moves to Overturn Manhattan Conviction, Citing Immunity Former President Donald J. Trump took the action hours after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling granted him immunity for official acts committed in office.
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Never has Franklin's comment on the government of the US - "A republic, if you can keep it" - seemed so apt. After 234 years of the US as a constitutional republic, SCOTUS has decided that monarchy was a great idea after all. Speaking as a Brit, this seems a retrograde step.
Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
As many football fans have discovered… Barely half of German trains ran on time in June. That’s a remarkably bad statistic for any rail operator, let alone one that used to have a reputation for excellence.
Die Zahl pünktlicher Züge ist im Juni auf kaum mehr als 50 Prozent eingebrochen. Warum? Unwetter und Überflutungen, sagt die Bahn. Die Monopolkommission fordert, mehr für die Kunden zu tun.
Deutsche Bahn: Wetter soll schuld an mieser Pünktlichkeitsquote Die Zahl pünktlicher Züge ist im Juni auf kaum mehr als 50 Prozent eingebrochen. Warum? Unwetter und Überflutungen, sagt die Bahn. Die Monopolkommission fordert, mehr für die Kunden zu tun.
The Financial Times has backed the only economically sane option in the UK's imminent general election: A vote for Labour. These 4 graphs say it all. The historically inescapable fact is that 14 years of Tory govt, driven mad by Brexit, have been a disaster for UK prosperity.
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Europe digesting the US presidential debate
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Amazing front page
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Not 100% sure about this branding
“One servant was paid just 7 Swiss francs a day, and worked as many as 18 hours, 7 days a week, [the prosecutor] alleged. The family dog had more than three times as much spent on it, according to documents seized by police and presented to the court.”
Hinduja family members sentenced to jail for exploiting domestic [FREE TO READ] Prakash Hinduja among four members of multi-billionaire Hinduja clan found guilty by Geneva court
I’m rationalising this as maybe being like when you’ve done something really bad to someone - in this case destroying their livelihoods - so you ignore them as you don’t need the shade but then you remember a few months later when the weather changes you left your favourite scarf at their house.
The Conservative party's final fortnight pivot to 'please, farmers, come back and vote for us' is so fascinating to me, because it's a) obviously the right call but b) was obviously the right call at the start of the campaign, the year, and indeed Sunak's premiership. Why didn't they do it earlier?
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"Don't forget your Fendi leather apron (POA) for the hike today babe!" "Nah its cool, i'm gonna wear my Waffen-SS Prada safari jacket."
An epic fashion hike in The island’s monumental landscape calls for adventurous style
New from me and Despite claiming it isn’t, Perplexity, the billion dollar AI search startup Forbes has accused of plagiarism, is scraping websites, including WIRED, from which developers have tried to block its crawlers.
Perplexity Is a Bullshit A WIRED investigation shows that the AI search startup Perplexity is surreptitiously downloading your data.
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New from me and Despite claiming it isn’t, Perplexity, the billion dollar AI search startup Forbes has accused of plagiarism, is scraping websites, including WIRED, from which developers have tried to block its crawlers.
Perplexity Is a Bullshit A WIRED investigation shows that the AI search startup Perplexity is surreptitiously downloading your data.
All stories about extremely rich peoples' thoughts on politics should come with a banner content warning about how it relates to their tax status. 'This story contains the opinions of Monaco's second richest tax exile, Jim Ratcliffe, which UK readers may not find relevant to their lives.'
The great thing about being rich is that you can be completely wrong, become a tax exile, and still benefit from uncritical coverage of your political views.
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The fact this story about a doco on the Salvator Mundi makes it look like Julianne Moore is playing Jesus is sending me