
kind of weird to see the “ACA is useless” bs pop up again in 2024. it’s not great but like. y’all remember how much birth control pills cost pre-ACA???????????
I am reminded of the dystopian past when I read through pet insurance policies and go “is that even legal???” pets aren’t human which means they get treated like people did prior to obamacare
anyways just in case you were too young or have no friends with uteruses: I was paying FORTY DOLLARS A MONTH for THE CHEAPEST FORM OF GENERIC HORMONAL BC while covered by GOOD university healthcare. After ACA this dropped to 10 / under 10 depending on coverage.
actually now that I think about it, I was definitely paying 0 under my school plan?? like really wild to go from a fixed cost of nearly 500 a year for a basic necessity to 0.
and I still remember people at college complaining about being FORCED to buy expensive Obamacare when they only want a cheap pre-ACA disaster plan
Good friend was a Libertarian whined about this regularly in particular bcs HIS previous disaster plan didn't force him to pay for pregnancy. Had a stroke at 35. Good thing he had ACA and was able to upgrade his plan when the new year came around.
JFC. I'd forgotten about how people whined about having to pay for other people's pregnancies, as if the entire insurance market isn't about paying for other people's medical care.
I had a priest scream at me when I reminded him that boner pulls were still covered so he could enjoy himself again on Friday nights
and if they're at college they could still get catastrophic plans that are real cheap - also all the subsidies - also Obamacare means they can stay on their parents' plans till they're 26! dummies
Female as pre-existing condition. Sigh.
Pregnancy was a pre existing condition if you had to change insurance
and for individual plans /some group plans, it wasn’t covered for 6-12 months after enrollment, although iirc the newborn was covered at birth even in that window (they could not easily be excluded for preexisting conditions.)
Yes AND the “pre-existing conditions” nonsense they used to deny treatment ALL THE TIME.
The ACA is an annoying kludge of half measures but it is a million times better than the current alternative, which is probably forced donation of your kidney to the Musk family now that insurance companies have realized that no one will punish them for evil.
This is where I remind everyone that large swathes of the GOP want to outright ban contraception in general, and hormonal birth control specifically, because they falsely call them "abortifacents". Trump is on board with this.
It could be as high as $80/month!
iirc it was like over 100/month without insurance. BIRTH CONTROL! and it was like the worst kind of hormonal bc!
That's currently what my Vyvanse is with "good insurance".. and it literally helps me function day to day.
Only $40? I remember paying $90 a month.
I was in school, so I had "good" health insurance that was geared towards young people and their needs.
I pay $0 for mine and like hell I'd let them take the aca away from me
I'm surprised, because it was ~$10/mo or less at Walmart/Walgreens/CVS back during the Trump Administration when Hobby Lobby was whining that they didn't want to have to pay for birth control.
People had to pay an extra $200/month to specifically insure their uterus, and that care couldn't be added if you were pregnant.
The pre-existing conditions thing in and of itself is such a moral outrage that I often encounter people who were not yet politically conscious who simply don’t believe it was real
Definitely could have happened to me:
The ACA saved my life. My company changed insurance provider partway through my cancer therapy, when my cancer had become refractory and the next phase was CAR T-cell therapy or autologous stem cell transplant. Pre-existing condition + hugely expensive therapy. Instead, I got CAR T-cell therapy.
It saved my life too. I was out of work and able to use Medicaid, they found cancer in stage 1. Without ACA I’d be dead today
So glad you’re not and that you got the care you needed and deserved
Genuinely so happy to hear stories like this. I’m so glad you got the care you needed and deserved.
I'll be two years in complete remission this Sunday!
There are loads and loads of people who didn't believe what it was like even while it was going on.
This is part of what’s so hard about policy change - the things conservative interests want to perpetuate or enact are often so heinous that people don’t believe they could possibly be real
You'd mention some minor medical annoyance to a friend and they'd say "Woah don't talk to a doctor about that, you don't want to get diagnosed with a pre-existing condition"
I’m reminded of a story about a soccer player who screwed up his toe, got misdiagnosed with gout, and then was out of the insurance market for good
My friend Mark had his coverage rescinded after he was diagnosed with ocular cancer and billed for a million dollars because he failed to note on his insurance application that he had broken his arm when he was 13. He died. They came after his family for the money. Go fund me wasn’t a thing yet.
Oh yeah. I had a major insurance company fight payment on a stomach ulcer for more than a year because they were trying to link it to an ankle I sprained five years earlier.
As someone who's been a freelancer long enough to remember trying to get individual health insurance in the 1990s, those people can absolutely fuck off.
Yep Went for a decade avoiding doctors out of fear of being diagnosed with a preexisting condition that would render me uninsurable
remember when having a kid was a pre-existing condition and so you couldn't get individual health insurance. good times!
When I was pregnant maternity riders were still a thing You know, where you have to pay premiums for a full year *before* they will cover pregnancy and delivery
gawd, lot's of bad memories are coming back. truly dystopian
The way my concern over whether men can get laid or have functioning dicks decreases year by year to the point it's negative? I remember a poll in which the majority of hetcismen said they didn't benefit from their partners having access to birth control.
Medicaid expansion is pretty great too.
Yes, but this varies greatly by state.
Yuuuup. Welcome to Tennessee, where we're closing all our rural hospitals because our Republican legislature refuses to accept federal money over a decade later. Oh, and no abortions. We even wrote in the law that even suicidality isnt a good enough reason.
Same in Texas where Medicaid is actually being downsized vs. expanded though Texans pay 4B a year because of it.
Tennessee is just one many, but it is the only one I'm confident enough about to speak on publicly lol