
Maybe we should call them something other than "deciders"
The good news is a vast majority think dictators are bad; a plurality thinks Trump would try to be one. The bad news is: how is this race still tied??
I should've listened to and not looked at this poll.
Strongly considering muting the word "poll" at this point.
I’d want to see more crosstabs before I let it depress me.
MAGA nation: Dictators in the abstract are bad, obviously. But Trump is *our* dictator. And what could be better than having my own personal dictator?
Oh man, I've been thinking of writing a post on that last one, and now I've got data! I think we are all suffering from a variety of traumas around the very real threat to democracy and the circus the media makes it into, with lingering damage from denial about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now I've got TWO meaty assignments. This, and an expansion of the "It isn't a Cold War" thread yesterday. I think I'll do the second first.
Why, for the love of god, do we need five days of continuous in-depth analysis over what may or may not happen during the debate, particularly on the headline news? It's a crazy thought but we could wait until after it happens. It's exactly why people get turned off.
It's not even analysis - it's reporters' hopes and fears. And you know what? I don't care about their inner life.
So many things happening in the world. We could learn more about China and Russia, or about the wars in Africa. If we'd like to hear something more positive, Scientific American ( and Science magazine (, have done a good job.
Can you ever get more than nonsense when you poll people with nonsense in their heads?
That 38 percent believe democracy means their side wins no matter what the votes say
Are we talking here about the people who are being categorized as "deciders" but are actually just Trump voters. That would make this poll's methodology easier to understand!
It’s just a slice of a slice of the voting population. I’m not sure it says much
Here’s a lesson in poll’s coverage in news. The headline summarizing polling data can be framed any which way. This was 6 states opinions lumped together (states votes individually) and an even narrower swath of voters. It’s like looking down the wrong end of telescope to describe what your seeing
I'm looking at the poll itself and it doesn't seem like those voters are wildly different from all the people polled, actually.
Yes but…why is this finding the summary?
Because other wise the story wouldn't be at all interesting?
I found the pov to be curious is all
In many ways the "deciders" were no different than the voters as a whole. If the "deciders" are a mix of people who have voted D or R or not at all, you're probably going to have some mirror of the larger voting pool in terms of who backs Trump. It's just a gimmick to make "swing" voters great again
A big chunk of the population thinks "democracy" is "voting," and they're fine with a system in which certain people have an easier time voting than others.
We now live in the proud nation Fucked 'R Us.
Well, there are two kinds of threats to democracy—those from without, and those from within. People who think Trump would protect democracy better are thinking of “threats” from migrants, or China—outside. Add a little bit of “Biden is weaponizing the Justice Department”, and voila!
He’s also believed to be a staunch advocate for those whose pussies he grabs
One would be hard pressed to find a more inconsistent, vibe-ridden, Mal-informed creature than "the Median American Voter"...🤷
Is the news not reporting on this because it's normal, or because it would interfere with them getting the election result they want?
Our critical thinking skills are non-existent. "So, you think Trump will be a dictator, but you also trust him more to protect Democracy?" How does this make any sense? Not to mention tearing down Democracy is the main feature of the MAGA movement. They admit it themselves, it's why they like him!