Sara McDougall

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Sara McDougall

Medieval gender, crime, & history prof. at John Jay College & CUNY Graduate Center, 2023-4 John and Constance Birkelund Fellow, Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library
Board Member Libraries Without Borders
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I have flown the flags that were in the attic and which you were probably saving for retirement Forgive me they were insurrectionist so many and so satisfying
Seeking views I think 33 but could it be 28?
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Much gratitude esp to Christopher Whittick and to Judith Bennett, Charlie Donahue, Bronach Kane,,,, Eric Reiter, Miriam Shadis, &
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So, the Reform party put out a dubious graph showing immigration as a flat line from 1066 to 1997. To say this absolute nonsense, would be an understatement. It's dangerous nonsense designed to encourage division and hatred. Have a look at some actual research 1/
England’s Immigrants, Recording and analysing evidence of foreigners who chose to make their lives and livelihoods in England in the era of the Hundred Years War, the Black Death and the Wars of the Roses.
A year in the library comes to an end. Forever grateful to the Cullman Center for this opportunity.
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here's something ive been working on for over a month: the story of a jewish women's sex strike, the reasons behind it, and why no woman should be chained:
‘Mitzvah Night Is CANCELLED’ Inside the sex strike that has infuriated husbands and shaken the ultra-Orthodox world.
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A fascinating case in the London Consistory in 1522 of an intersex person whose husband sued to annul their marriage. 5 midwives testified in some detail that Margaret had both a vagina & a penis. Read transcription, translation, & some preliminary thoughts: #histsex
Christopher Bradley c Margaret I have just found this highly unusual case of an apparent intersex person named Margaret Bradley of Hackney, Middlesex, who in 1522 was sued by her/their* husband Christopher to annul their marriage. ...
Wow! Will share with Italian colleague working on a similar case.
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Kids did the exact same thing to me in Syracuse I almost want to know the history of it but also don’t.
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William Noel was wonderful person, & he did so much for the academic community. He will be missed. I still show his TED talk to my first-year students. If you haven’t seen it, check it out:
William Noel: Revealing the lost codex of How do you read a two-thousand-year-old manuscript that has been erased, cut up, written on and painted over? With a powerful particle accelerator, of course! Ancient books curator William Noel tells the fascinating story behind the Archimedes palimpsest, a Byzantine prayer book containing previously-unknown original writings from ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes and others. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to
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ATTN NEW YORKERS The NY Public Library has a plea out for signatures to push the city not to cut their budget and force them to reduce collections, end services, reduce maintenance, and close 2 days a week. It takes mere seconds to sign. They need 50,000. Pleas sign and SHARE WIDELY
Sad news for medieval studies we’ve lost Marcia Colish
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hey you know what's nice? Sharing an essay on Bluesky, having people read it, and then people engaging in good faith conversation about it. I'm glad you're here. (sincerity)
The hardest thing about getting into college should be actually getting into a college. But instead in America, the hardest thing about getting into college tends to be figuring out how to pay for it. On the FAFSA disaster. From
Opinion: The FAFSA fiasco is a huge problem for students and colleges | The FAFSA debacle is prompting existential questions for everyone involved in higher education as American students begin to make decisions about where to go to college, writes David M. Perry.
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my department is is hiring a history teacher. best students and colleagues. v close to DC. top notch dining hall iced coffee. share widely
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Holy Week in city of León, a city in Northern Spain, Christians like to go out and drink something they call "matar judíos" or "kill Jews." A Spanish medieval historian says the tradition does stem from anti-Jewish violence, but it was over debt, not a "Christian motive." That's not how it works.
"Not a Christian motive" - Remembering the Murder of Medieval Spanish Jews • Medieval Religion Matters, and isn't something we can just shrug off
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"We are a small part of a shrinking thing, tail to a dwindling dog, or that thing that, in Yeats, is fastened to the dying animal. The heart; the soul. The dying animal is the English department, perhaps the humanities as a whole."
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QTing this to RT later on US timezones ~1/3, 30% of UKHE planning cuts, esp in hums/arts UKHE is a totally different animal than USHE, but sudden cuts of this scale are shattering. I don't know how it's possible to rebound after those.
Here's the latest and constantly updating news on the fast-moving university crisis. Now up to 30 institutions shedding jobs after more than 10 extra have paused for now. About a third of the so-called 'system'. No doubt more every day or two. 👇
UK HE This is a live page of all the redundancies and closures taking place across the sector at the moment. Solidarity to all. This sector is vital to the country's future and the vandalism to it unconscio...