Sari Beth Rosenberg

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Sari Beth Rosenberg

Host of PBS NewsHour Classroom Educator Voice Series, Co-Founder Teachers Unify to End Gun Violence and high school history teacher in NYC.

Writing & media stuff here:
This should be the story tomorrow, and every day: The leader of one of America’s two major political parties has just signaled to the Kremlin that if elected, he would not only refuse to defend Europe in World War III, but he would gladly support Vladimir Putin.
Trump Encourages Putin to Attack NATO At a rally on Saturday, the former president announced he would tell the Russians “to do whatever the hell they want” to states delinquent in their bills.
Breitbart would not have written this any differently.
The New York Times is not well.
Hi. I’m back here again. Hi.
I don’t know about you, but I think people should be a little more alarmed that actual Neo Nazis are just out here on these streets spewing their antisemitism and hate for all the world to see.
Scott Baio is “legendary” in the sense that his career died years ago and now he’s a cautionary tale you tell children so they behave
america every july 4th
A sippy cup is presidential 1/
Philadelphia showing up to protest Moms for Liberty? THIS is what Independence Day is all about ❤️
My yearly reminder that even though teachers can hopefully at least mention Frederick Douglass in a K-12 classroom, most would be scared to share his famous speech “What To The Slave is the 4th of July” in any state where anti-history laws have been passed that ban any 1/
One hundred years ago, an American organization that described itself as an advocate of Christian Patriotism planned to start their own university in Indiana to combat the creeping socialism in US higher education. Here's their idealistic self-description. The organization was...
It's critical to understand how Moms for Liberty is directly connected to the historic role of White women in upholding and maintaining White Supremacy, as the rhetoric echoes that from the Antebellum and Jim Crow South of protecting in the the purity of White womanhood.
Heading over to Twitter and posting 600 consecutive tweets of Sexy Alf so everyone hits their daily limit right away…
Ron DeSantis woke up this morning and said, “How much more horrible can I be?” His wife responded, “None. None more horrible.” Ron replied, “You underestimate me, my dear.”
All of this thread 🧵
Dear Media: Please don't forget the mistakes of how y'all covered the 2016 election. Also, feel free to review that whole pre-World War II era/rise of fascism. I just saw ABC News refer to Moms For Liberty as "joyful warriors" - they are an extremist group pretending to want 1/
What could go wrong?
This both sides shit is gonna be what kills me. Make sure if it does to rub in to my colleagues every day that I was right and they were wrong and that makes me a de facto better journalist than they'll ever be
Dear Media: Please don't forget the mistakes of how y'all covered the 2016 election. Also, feel free to review that whole pre-World War II era/rise of fascism. I just saw ABC News refer to Moms For Liberty as "joyful warriors" - they are an extremist group pretending to want 1/
Good piece on birthright citizenship by my colleague Martha Jones. “Birthright safeguards those born here from political leaders who would mete out citizenship as a reward or withhold it as a punishment.”
Why Republicans Keep Calling for the End of Birthright It’s about more than immigration.
They are *literally* out there positioning Moms for White Supremacy as a parenting advocacy group (ABC news).
Dear Media: Please don't forget the mistakes of how y'all covered the 2016 election. Also, feel free to review that whole pre-World War II era/rise of fascism. I just saw ABC News refer to Moms For Liberty as "joyful warriors" - they are an extremist group pretending to want 1/
Hi everyone! Looks like a bunch of Twitter pals are here now 🙌🎉
Anyone else have preemptive 2024 election PTSD watching Succession?
Elon really needs to pay his bills.
Dear Media: Please don't forget the mistakes of how y'all covered the 2016 election. Also, feel free to review that whole pre-World War II era/rise of fascism. I just saw ABC News refer to Moms For Liberty as "joyful warriors" - they are an extremist group pretending to want 1/
Parents are rejecting book bans. Most want honest history taught. Most parents want safe & welcoming schools for all kids. That's why local parents protested Moms for Liberty
Anyone who thinks killing affirmative action will stop racists from questioning the merit of black achievements has really not been paying attention.
I am also extremely worried about this. Imperfect as it was, Twitter was THE place to go for up to date disaster information for many, many years. That’s gone now.
We have not responded to any major disaster in the United States for almost two decades without twitter and I do not want to know how a response would go without it.