Scary Mr. Olmec Man

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Scary Mr. Olmec Man

Sociopolitical malcontent. Chinese lit sometimes. 我的名字是一个问号。
I think a lot of people forgot over the past decade or so that Biden was considered an arrogant asshole *even for a Senator*
It's fun to watch the centrists and libs pull absolutely no lessons out of the French elections besides "voting"
Check this shit out motherfucker [Macron slides one foot out from under him and falls on his ass, it's not clear what kind of move he was trying to do]
Part of what's going on with the convos about replacing Biden is that the diehards have to face not only Biden's capacity but the fact that he has been historically unpopular for most of his term
Enjoying the new meme, "Biden should be as lazy as Trump." Do people know that it is in fact possible not to be ruled by septugenarians?
I mean, if all the reporting on Biden gets normies mad at the NYT, it's no skin off my ass.
If the issue were just his stutter, you would be able to name one good line that Biden landed in that debate, and you can't
Keep thinking about who the "you" of "your foreign policy" here could possibly mean.
"Trump does x thing that's just as bad or worse than Biden, why don't you complain about that?" Oh, because I hate Trump, and Biden is supposed to be better, not just as bad as Trump. This is not complicated.
What I would ask is: FOR WHAT?! What are we doing that is so dangerous and harmful? These people want to kill us based on crazy lies they intentionally feed themselves day after day to keep themselves angry.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
The Tories are out of power because all parties in a democracy leave power eventually. But they have successfully reshaped the political landscape to the point where an alternative to their politics is unimaginable. Don't know that I'd call that a defeat.
So you're telling me that UK conservative voters would gladly take the hate and the racism and dump austerity and conservative policies? Wow.
Reality TV is really great for showing you what terrible taste people have in couches
People keep saying it's the last Fourth of July, and it's not, but hope you enjoyed your last Juneteenth
Judy Holliday in the most Yid voice I've ever heard: "Oh, I'm from Binghamton in upstate NY."
Also, I'll be more open to critiques of "ageism" with re: the US government when we aren't dealing with the oldest congress and oldest political leadership in US history
Ageism is hiring a 25 year old instead of a better qualified 55 year old. It's not "ageism" to say that an 81 year old or a 78 year old might not be able to handle the world's most demanding job.
Feel like the real questions around AI are not questions about the nature of AI, but questions about the nature of work.
Oh, you find the Fourth of July a hollow and bitterly ironic celebration? Should we tell everybody? Should we throw a party? Should we invite Frederick Douglass?
The Ever Victorious Army is one of the greatest exercises in branding ever. A dipshit American marches a handful of thugs in smart uniforms around Shanghai, and meanwhile Li Hongzhang actually wins the fucking war.
It must be another strand where the Ever Victorious Army sacked the Summer Palace, because it isn't this one!
Do the authors of this Time War book ever get sick of flaunting their trivia knowledge like over-eager high school students or
The Democratic Party has no good options because they opted to give the public no good options. This is a disaster of their own making and no one has a magic fix for the catastrophe they’ve created. That Trump could be so well positioned is an unthinkable failure of politics.
How did I not know Jonathan Demme did an adaptation of my favorite Ibsen play?
Now playing (12:55 PM PST): "A Master Builder" (2013) By Jonathan Demme Runtime: 130 min.
The Democratic Party would be much improved if we stopped fucking listening to Jim Clyburn, a hump who has never run a competitive race
This seems like a big deal? "Responding to a question on CNN about whether Harris should be the party’s automatic nominee if the president were to step aside, Clyburn (D-S.C.) said: “Well, I think we’re going to have a mini-primary leading into the convention.”
Clyburn says he would support ‘mini-primary’ ahead of DNC if Biden steps “You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary, and I would support that absolutely,” Rep. Jim Clyburn said.
Centrists and libs think you can selectively demobilize people and then call them right back up when you need them but it does not work that way. And when you consistently dismiss protests, you are telling people that protest as a tactic does nothing, no matter what the cause is
I think people maybe should connect the hopelessness some people on here feel to the complete inability of an organized protest movement around Gaza to shift Biden's policy even an iota
The small hope that I have is that they are trying to push this vision of society onto a nation that quite broadly rejects it. You can go against the people sometimes, but for how long?
Mental health issue? No problem, just try looking at possibly the worst designed directory website in the whole internet