Scary Mr. Olmec Man

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Scary Mr. Olmec Man

Sociopolitical malcontent. Chinese lit sometimes. 我的名字是一个问号。
I feel like we get stuck on this narrow question of Biden's mental capacity, when for me the bigger problem with his age is how it just represents that we'll never do something new, we'll never change, we'll just be stuck with these old men and their world
Despite being uh, not at all a Harris fan, I find the idea of her becoming the candidate encouraging because at the very least she represents *a* future
As always I have profound contempt for Democratic leadership, but I have almost as much contempt for the rank-and-file party die-hards whose main priority is finding the path of least resistance to maintain their fairy tales about what America is like
I mean, all Biden has to say is no, so who knows what will happen, but it's very hard for me to imagine him running after 20 Senators have publicly called on him to drop out.
It's so grim to watch tutorials on how to make great documentaries made by people whose documentaries are like, "Cats: The Story of Our Fluffy Friends."
Sort of think an investigation of what is wrong with US media culture should begin with their continued obsession with "scoops" even in a world where Twitter exists
As is the case with a lot of bad shit in America, the media was never forced to face the consequences of the Iraq War or to do any serious introspection into their role in making it, so nothing was learned and nothing has changed
The reception of AI in China and among Chinese intellectuals is pretty interesting to me, and tbh it seems to me to mostly reflect their traditional enthusiasm for voluntarism and frothy trendy bullshit
Such an insult, and considering that the author didn't use ChatGPT to write the novel, he is just specifically denigrating translation
Dem project 2025 (destroy gop edition) *Incentivize car manufacturers to adopt direct sales *Amend Supplement Labeling Act *Aggressive IRS audits over $10mm *Aggressively enforcing FARA *Aggressive SEC, IRS, FTC, and DOJ investigations against VCs/tech *Banning MLMs, criminal charges if applicable
I can't imagine this low rent spectacle of an RNC winning over anyone...I mean, seriously, Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan?
One thing that make me a bit more sanguine about Harris than I ordinarily would be is that she is apparently unpalatable to Mark Halperin and the centrist morons he speaks for
Lou Dobbs telling people to thank President Trump for the weekend is the most dystopian thing I've ever seen in real life, which these days is truly an accomplishment. Rest in piss.
I think senior Dems make a lot of dumb panicky decisions based solely on media bullshit. I *don't* think they decide to *shiv their own presidential candidate* based solely on media bullshit.
To be fair, Sarah Isgur knows a little something about breaking up families
I like the people who are like "they'll unleash so many sexist and racist attacks on Harris." Yeah, man, that'll play well for Trump in the suburbs.
It's funny that probably nobody cares/is watching, but this RNC seems like maybe a disaster and the worst possible pitch to swing voters
Dave, I've admired your work for years but I must admit that I don't feel great that "mainlining hours of WFAN in the 90s/00s" is the best possible preparation for our era
Love to see the RNC go hard on anti-Ukraine sentiment. Just one wildly unpopular position after another.
It's the funniest and therefore, given the universe we live in, I've decided it's the most likely outcome
I think a reason I'm pretty comfortable with holding the two ideas in my head together that 1) it would be really good if joe biden wins the election against donald trump and 2) its probably not a great idea for joe biden to be the nominee to do this is that I already did it once before in 2020.
The idea of buying a house that would attract a potential future wife seems totally insane to me, but it is the premise of multiple House Hunter episodes?!?
How many years has the organization been effectively operating in contempt of court?
One of the silliest ideas I am seeing on here is that Biden is "outmaneuvering" everyone right now. No, everything depends on him saying he'll step down and he doesn't want to. That's easy. If he had actual political acumen rn none of these people would be daring to speak publicly.
The thing is, I can't imagine that anything short of Pelosi/Obama/Schumer themselves coming out publicly would make Biden drop out
Pavlou or not, for sure that shit is out there
Drew Pavlou is...not a reliable source to say the least, but more importantly, I wonder if this is going to run into the issue that mainstream media has had covering the far right so far, which is that their reporters are just unprepared to cover all this weirdness