@Scott1984FP - Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds

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@Scott1984FP - Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds


Sufferer Of #WristInstability With Old #TFCC Tears, & #RSD / #CRPSNOS ,U MUST BE 16+ 2FOLLOW ME. I'M OPEN & TALK ABOUT MY #MENTALHEALTH , #BPD ,& LIFE
Today, Karam shocked us with his words,"This must be a dream.Tomorrow,I'll wake up, go to school, and play soccer with my friends."Could nine months of war truly feel like a dream?How do I explain to him that his school has been bombed, and all his friends but one have been lost? gofund.me/6d3bce17
It's a heartbreaking feeling to witness your efforts to speak out and protect your family end in failure.I'm unsure if we can persevere or if we'll succumb like Zatar. 🔗 gofund.me/6d3bce17 #freepalestine #savepalestine #palestine Among the pictures is one of Zatar when he was young, at our home💔😭
This is my cat"Zaatar" Zaatar died because of the war here, and I couldn't even help him because everything is scarce, even medical care for animals. I lost my dearest possession and my closest friend. I don't want to lose anyone else. Please help me to save my family🍉🇵🇸❤️ gofund.me/6d3bce17 #freeGaza
Hello everyone, I am Mohammed's sister. His account is experiencing an issue. I'm here to carry on his mission until he can resolve the problem. Please spread the word🥲🇵🇸🙏❤️ 🔗 gofund.me/6d3bce17
At the beginning of lockdown one of the parents wanted NYC to fire all its teachers and switch to “cheap” teachers Zooming in from India. He ended up being a Covid denialist and demanded schools reopen before kids were even vaxxed because Zoom was so bad for his kids.
"Here at Capitalist Edu, we offer only 100% natural, organic non-GMO professors for your gifted student's learning experience"
"Human AI Avatar" is legit going to be a job. Someone that acts as a relay between an AI and an audience.
Why can’t they make it at least look a little better
Continue to advocate for sterilizing the rich.
Rich people are going convince everyone that AI should run their lives and then giggle with each other about how important it is that they get a “real” nanny to raise their kids
lol it’s going to be so stupid in ten years when exclusive schools for rich people brag that they use real human teachers
witch is not a valid ancestry to choose from
The fuck it isn’t.
witch is not a valid ancestry to choose from
Nouilles de patates douces, petits légumes et curry rouge #atable 🍜🍽️ Gohanclub #food
Normalizing keeping track of "journalists" and the propaganda they put out Gasparino's NY Post archive: nypost.com/author/charl...
They are already bragging are and how this went to “Rich” people like this isn’t specifically on a Black campus During a time of ( purposeful) Black underemployment . And a general abandonment of support for Black issues that the Manhattan Institute has already said was the plan
lol it’s going to be so stupid in ten years when exclusive schools for rich people brag that they use real human teachers
Reminder to share how Black soldiers returning from WWII with "shell-shock" (PTSD) were institutionalized at a higher rate than other* soldiers who were given out-patient mental health services that allowed them to remain in their communities. PTSD was only added to DSM IN 1980, already racialized.
How the VA Fails Veterans on Mental Health A ProPublica analysis of 313 studies conducted by the agency’s inspector general in recent years shows repeated failures in behavioral care. The breakdowns have had fatal consequences.
How the VA Fails Veterans on Mental Healthwww.propublica.org A ProPublica analysis of 313 studies conducted by the agency’s inspector general in recent years shows repeated failures in behavioral care. The breakdowns have had fatal consequences.
don't it always seem to go?