
Artists deserve to make art for a living. Artists deserve to make art for a living. Artists deserve to make art for a living. Artists deserve to make art for a living. Artists deserve to make art for a living. Artists deserve to make art for a living. Artists deserve to make art for a living.
Everyone is an artist. Everyone is an artist. Everyone is an artist. Everyone is an artist. Everyone is an artist. Everyone is an artist.
Ok since this is still social media, and subject to all its foibles, I have to try to clarify: is this an addition to my post or in opposition to it?
support, addition and weird utopian transformation of artists as valorized labour into immersive creativity as total aspirational condition for all humans once nobody has to earn money to survive
Absolutely lovely! I thought that was the case, but I’m still shell shocked from the other apps. Cheers!!
This is the content I'm here for.,
Everyone can develop skills to make good art. Everyone can develop skills to make good art. Everyone can develop skills to make good art. Everyone can develop skills to make good art. Everyone can develop skills to make good art. Everyone can develop skills to make good art.
Indeed everyone is an artist. Not necessarily a good one though. Since art refers to craft or occupancy, human skill. Anyone can realise their potential, but not while they're castrating their own potential for quick cash grabs or fakeness.
Artists deserve to be supported without having to make their art into their living. Artists deserve to be supported without having to make their art into their living. Artists deserve to be supported without having to make their art into their living. Said in support of the initial message. 😄
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A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that. A UBI would allow that.
This is the better solution... art shouldn't be a commodity. No one should want/have to sell art and no one should be interested in buying it. We've been doing art very wrong for a very long time.
Casker and Dode: you both limiting yourselves to ideas of “this or that,” you need to be realistic and understand that it is a matter of “this AND that” UBI would not solve the issue of AI “art” That stuff is anti-human, period.
It is anti human but with UBI artists would be able to afford still making art even if nobody pays them *for the art* (as publishers, until they know better, some day, hopefully, will use AI “art” rather than pay for human art).
AI art wasn't the question to begin with. Being enabled to do the work you are best at and enjoy the most in general would allow a far stronger economy to take place.
So you want to abolish art? Because that's the result of what you're saying.
UBI may be. Certainly not UC though. I've been on UC despite having a job and you have to "earn less" than a certain amount in order to stay on UC, which makes getting off of UC pointless as you end up working more for the same amount. Not a good place for disabled people like me either.
We HAVE examples that worked. The only reason to not have a UBI is to keep the poor poor. It doesn't need to be conditional, saving billions on administrative costs. There would be a need to regulate businesses gouging based on that amount as well. People work because they would Rather work.
Indeed. Just capitalists own their money and gov has no control over that. So I don't imagine a change without war or some other major shift. The gov severely squashed UC during Covid cause there wasn't enough money for UC. Since UBI-supporting taxes are "paid" by the people getting the UBI.
Say it louder for the people in the back 👏
This is a breath of fresh air after hearing a bunch of pricks say that people deserve to starve if they don’t do STEM or go to a trade school.
All of this. And not just the bare minimum. I'm so sick of how people have come to expect that there should just be people who are expected to not enjoy life but still do the jobs they don't want to do but want done.
1/2 Many of us do. The problem is how much more other people make off of our work than we do. Example; a painting of mine sold for $65,000 at a major gallery. I received $10,000..two months later.The arts take years to master & materials costly.We have mortgages,car payments, health insurance, etc.
Exactly. Yet another point. Best of luck!! ✊🏼✊🏼
Thank you. It's important to also remember that when governments move towards fascism the cut back and then eliminate the arts. It's because the part of our brain that helps us create is also the part that develops our "bullshit detector". Creative people are difficult to manipulate & control.
Yep, the nazis in Germany quickly targeted the artists, too.
So do musicians (just throwing that in there as a variation on a theme)
Agreed!! All arts and all artists!
Everyone deserves basic income bo matter what they do.
Photographers: Get in line kid.
Another form of art. Absolutely Included.
Could you imagine AI without stolen photography tho? What's AI gonna do, send out robots to take pics?
The fact this even needs to be said, and the glee with which prompters talk about how "artists are finished" inspired me to make this meme just now, which I'll post on main later but I figured you'd like a sneak
Nice!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Sadly bsky's compression kinda ruined how crisp it was, but yeah. It still gets the point across. You're so right about artists being valid and some of the replies here are super disappointing so I wanted to make something that showed you we support you
Many thanks!! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!
I am now thanks to having come across your account, and having enjoyed the satisfaction of creating something myself
Awesome. You just brightened my day more than you can imagine. Thank you!!
Yes they say that and then download more of our art to train more models because of how limited the last were. Fortunately Glaze'd art did quite significant damage to Stability's newest model but it's quite clear even their cover image is copying DA artists from 10 years back.
The classic gotcha is pointing out how generative AI puts in signatures. It shows they're stealing from artists. And it shows the generative AI has no understanding of what it's doing, it's just stealing and mashing what it stole together, it doesn't know what a signature is, just that it's there
Yeah, the new SD3 model is better at text and is literally replicating watermarks perfectly, text-and-all, when someone trains a embedding on top of it containing such. The reason why text was distorted before was because of random seeding between steps. But now they care less for track-covering.
2/2 Musicians and writers are equally exploited. If you want to know how we went from being honored & paid for our craft to financial struggle & the ugliness of modernism, read this or listen to a 3 part series discussing the book on the Cave of Apelles podcast on YouTube. It’s life changing.
All are artists in my mind, so yes yes! …and I’m torn. I’m interested in the book, but not sure if I’m emotionally ok enough to deal with it. 🤣
Yeah, let's have that timeline. I'm getting really tired of this one.
We have enough people making food and houses that you should be able to make a living cooking spaghetti for your mom.