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Formally @ahatefulmate on Twitter. Obligated to be much nicer here.
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
Like at least in Britain they are voting out the conservatives who ran their country into the dirt. American conservatives would and will do no such thing. They are giddy at any chance to hurt the people they hate. Even if it hurts them. Like how do you deal with something like this?
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
One thing I hope people don’t lose sight of is that the rot on the Right is culture wide. Like each and every GOP voter who calls *themselves* conservatives are dogshit human beings who literally revel in pleasure to hurt libs like this. It’s a MASSIVE problem I don’t know even how to begin fixing.
"Imagine if idling your car produced solved sudokus you could trade for heroin" THE PROPHECY IS FULFILLED
The Parties are Not the Same.
The Biden administration on Friday finalized sweeping new rules barring schools from discriminating against transgender students and ordering significant changes for how schools adjudicate claims of sexual harassment and assault on campus.
Biden Title IX rules set to protect trans students, survivors of The Biden administration finalized sweeping Title IX rules barring discrimination against transgender students and ordering a new system for sexual assault claims.
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
The US should distance itself from the Israeli government’s war but it is important to recognize that the Israeli government is an independent actor. The war in Gaza is not an American proxy war and Biden is not “bombing Palestine by proxy.”
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
Chief Justice John Roberts
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
He sold us out. We all know it but no one wants to say it.
I seem to be picking up followers. Why? What is wrong with y'all?
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
Like for Charles Koch to die next. Reskeet for Rupert Murdoch to die next.
Reposted byAvatar Scream_Rag
The editorial board of the NYT wants Trump to win.
I co-wrote an article on this stuff, and the level of choices here on this title shock me.
Boy that was a fun ESL lesson. 先生 "How was your weekend?" 学生 "My grandson's friend was hacked apart by Hamas at the music festival."
Elon's posting, or is somehow associating, all Twitter users to child porn with this Dom Lucre thing. It may have been in your Twitter feed, against your will.
I got too spicy for Twitter, I'm in the penalty box.
The only thing saving conservatives from extinction is political correctness.
End of feed.