
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay
Writer, editor, publisher, professor. Some people call me a bad feminist and by some people I mean me.
Hart Hanson
Hart Hanson
I created "Bones" and a couple of other shows that didn't last as long. I wrote a book called "The Driver", and another --"The Seminarian"-- published by Blackstone Publishing in May.
Tim Onion
Tim Onion
American businessman.
Understands comics… mostly…
Working on a massive book about visual communication; learn more at
Dannagal G. Young
Dannagal G. Young
Professor of Communication and Political Science at the University of Delaware. Improv comedian. Author: “Irony and Outrage” (OUP 2020), “Wrong” (JHU 2023).

We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
François Chollet
Deep learning, teaching, Keras, ARC, etc.
Alex von Tunzelmann
Alex von Tunzelmann
Historian, screenwriter, broadcaster. She/her. Latest book, FALLEN IDOLS, shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize 2022. HISTORY’S SECRET HEROES on BBC Radio 4. PAPER CUTS wherever you get podcasts. Be excellent to each other and party on.
Wayne Myrvold
Wayne Myrvold
Philosopher of science, mediocre guitarist, sometimes I take nature photos.

You might like my book, Beyond Chance and Credence:
Experimental Philosophy
Experimental Philosophy
An account for experimental philosophy - an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of philosophy and psychology,inform%20research%20on%20phi
tweety fish
tweety fish
at different times:
haxx0r in cDc
PhD in using people for ML and vice versa
"theory of mind for autonomous cars" startup guy would you believe, went kablooie
at present: newsletter --

&c music, politics, nonsense
Kris-Stella Trump
Kris-Stella Trump
Political scientist at Johns Hopkins University: democracy, inequality, political psychology, public opinion, behavioral everything.
New submissions on arXiv physics.soc-ph (physics and society)
maintained by
Thilo Gross
Thilo Gross
Simplifier of things. bridgewalker. Island-person. Nets and Complexity. Prof of Biodiversity Theory. Former Prof. of Computer Science, Reader in Eng. Maths. Once a Physicist. Interested in art and language and generally making the world a better place.
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman
Kaitlin Has Had Enough
Kaitlin Has Had Enough
I just say shit until something smart pops out. Columnist @ Dame Magazine, bylines @ The Cut, Harper’s Bazaar and more. Black, millennial, feminist, tired. Probably eating carbs. has it all
Rachel Flood Heaton
Rachel Flood Heaton
Cognitive scientist, industrial designer, and electrical engineer. I make neurally plausible computational process models of visual cognition.
Molecular biologist from Texas, here to share my meanderings on science, history, politics, and zombies. Long threads a specialty.
Xiaowen Xu, PhD
Xiaowen Xu, PhD
Assistant Prof. @ William & Mary | Research: Political ideology, personality, meaning-making | Known as Professor X | I post about academia and baking | She/Her |
Susana Monsó
Susana Monsó
Associate professor of philosophy at UNED, Madrid.
Member of METIS.
Curator of the Animal Cognition & Ethics mailing list.
Author of Playing Possum: How Animals Understand Death (forthcoming October 2024, Princeton UP).
Linda Skitka
Linda Skitka
Social, political, and moral psychologist | Emerita professor at the University of Illinois Chicago
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder and Director of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
David W Hogg
David W Hogg
Astronomer, physicist, statistician, data analyst. I live on Lenape land.
Osita Nwanevu
Osita Nwanevu
Contributing Editor | The New Republic
Columnist | The Guardian
Newsletter |
Gavin Schmidt
Gavin Schmidt
Climate scientist, juggler. Bikes etc. Blogging at - data visualization and debunking.
Neil Lewis, Jr.
Neil Lewis, Jr.
Behavioral Scientist & Science Communicator.
Associate Professor of Communication, Medicine, and Public Policy at Cornell.
Personal account.
Philosophy Bits
Philosophy Bits
Curator of fine philosophical and literary quotations.
Jo Wolff
Jo Wolff
Jonathan Wolff, Political Philosopher.

Alfred Landecker Professor of Values and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford
Fellow Wolfson College
President Royal Institute of Philosophy
THFC supporter in 'back to reality' mode

Karina Vold
Karina Vold
Philosopher. Professor.
Christopher Federico
Christopher Federico
Professor of political science and psychology @ the University of Minnesota.; I study belief systems + the psychological bases of political preferences. Inveterate fan of The Fall + cat enthusiast.
Juniper Lovato
Juniper Lovato
Data ethics researcher. Phd candidate in Complex Systems and Data Science at the University of Vermont Complex Systems Center.
Alison Gopnik
Alison Gopnik
Cognitive scientist, philosopher, and psychologist at Berkeley, author of The Scientist in the Crib, The Philosophical Baby and The Gardener and the Carpenter and grandmother of five.
Alisa Bokulich
Alisa Bokulich
Professor @ Boston U, History & Philosophy of Science—esp Philosophy of Geosciences, Director Phi-Geo Research Group, Assoc @ Harvard U. Hist Sci, Radcliffe Institute Fellow Alumn, Settler.
Dave Levitan
Dave Levitan
Currently: Deputy editor, Splinter. Previous: The Messenger/Grid, bylines all over before that. Author: NOT A SCIENTIST: How politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science (2017, WW Norton). Puppy dad. NBA junky. Davelevitan{at}
Gretchen McCulloch
Gretchen McCulloch
Internet linguist. Wrote Because Internet, NYT bestseller about internet language. Co-hosts, a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics.

she/her 🌈
Montreal en/fr
Lily Mason
Lily Mason
Political scientist at Johns Hopkins, author of Uncivil Agreement and co-author of Radical American Partisanship
Rodney Brooks
Rodney Brooks
Primarily Robotics and AI. Distinguishing hype-notism from plausibility one press release at a time.
John Joseph M. Carrasco
John Joseph M. Carrasco
Juggling gluons, gravitons, and associated professing at Northwestern University.

Group site:
Personal site:
Mary Waters
Mary Waters
Social scientist, demographer at Harvard. I study immigration, disasters.
Nigel Goldenfeld
Nigel Goldenfeld
Professor of Physics, UCSD. Interested in everything.

I am a theoretical physicist doing research in condensed matter, fluid mechanics, earth sciences, evolution and astrobiology, ecology, genomics and systems biology.
Dan Williams
Dan Williams
Philosopher. Interested in: Philosophy, Psychology, Evolution, Artificial Intelligence, Social Science, Politics.
Jo Dunkley
Jo Dunkley
Professor of Physics and Astrophysics at Princeton. Author of Our Universe: An Astronomer's Guide. She/her.
Mark Trodden
Physicist. Professor.
Jonathan Zittrain
Jonathan Zittrain
A small creature who likes to run around in universities.

Prof. Harvard Law School, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Harvard Kennedy School. EFF Board. Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and the HLS Library.
Neil Shubin
Neil Shubin
Scientist, author, polar wanderer.
Richard Lenski
Richard Lenski
Evolving better E. coli for 75,000 generations. Prof at MSU, but opinions my own. (Ok, I also speak for billions -- er, TRILLIONS -- of E. coli.)
Website for LTEE:
Banner pic: From NYC, shared by someone (sorry, I forgot who!) on other site.
Santa Fe Institute
Santa Fe Institute
The premier research center for #ComplexSystems #science.
