Sebastian R

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Sebastian R

Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Lol Threads has some sort of AOL like word filter that creates a gazillion false positives and is mass suspending/shadow banning thousands of users and they can’t get it under control. What a shitshow
Sooooo, Sports Illustrated did a swimsuit cover of Maye Musk in December and now they fired everyone and are shutting down? 😂
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reminder that she attended Cooley Law School, nationally recognized as the worst law school in America whose alumni includes Michael Cohen.
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Also, why the FUCK are people carrying water for a group whose official motto is: "God Is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam" The Houthi movement is led by dangerous religious zealots that think Saudi Arabia(!) is too tolerant toward women and gay people.
You’d think we could all agree that the armed militants literally selling Africans into slavery are not one of the good guys in this scenario, but we are where we are, I guess.
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
I think he’s just pilled to the gills on crackpot right wing content and the natural state of mind of people when they get hooked on seeing the face of jesus in every bowl of breakfast cereal is to become highly aggrieved and develop a persecution complex, it sorta goes hand in hand
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
the united states should revoke his citizenship and deport this fucking racist idiot shithead back to south africa
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Read all about it! Read all about it! russia running low on chicken as well as eggs! It’s Daily Fella time! 🫡
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
I drew this strip a few years ago, but it feels even more relevant now.
Threads has literally become unusable from the insane amount of trolls and bots
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
That’s what you see on X? On Threads they are using a different tactic. They are posing as pro-Palestine or as Dems who are sick and tired of a single issue w Biden and vow not to vote for him. Classic vote suppression psyop. For Ukraine, the US 2024 election is a matter of survival.
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Avatar Where my #NAFO & #FELLA friends at? Warm up the SuperBonker 9000 and happy hunting!
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Tonight’s update also includes analysis of what’s going on in Avdiivka, again from his own account with attribution, and my take on what happened w/the hospital in Gaza as answer to request for my take.
Looking for volunteers for bonk raids on MAGAt nodes on Threads. This is a NAFO counteroffensive. Add your name in the comments if you are game. More info to follow.
Fellas, how much do you bonk here on BlueSky? Do you miss bonking? Where are the vatniks, tankies, and MAGAts? I am itching for a righteous counterbonkensive. #NAFO #NAFOsitrep #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegionable #NAFOcounterbonkensive #NAFOArticle5
Fellas, how much do you bonk here on BlueSky? Do you miss bonking? Where are the vatniks, tankies, and MAGAts? I am itching for a righteous counterbonkensive. #NAFO #NAFOsitrep #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegionable #NAFOcounterbonkensive #NAFOArticle5
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
Best part about Bluesky? No David Sacks.
People worried about Russian “red lines” and nuclear Armageddon if Russia isn’t granted Ukrainian territory forget one thing: Ukraine is more than capable of manufacturing nuclear weapons and missiles striking Moscow. If Ukraine does not win conventionally, nukes are a given.
Reposted byAvatar Sebastian R
I admit it, even if Taylor Swift is mainstream she isn't that bad . 🌸💮🌸