
“Politics would be interesting again” is the most telling line here. They find all this boring I guess.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Just ... the idea that Biden stepping down and Kamala rolling out her campaign—platform, veep, strategy, interviews, debates—that that would be BORING? Forget everything else that's wrong with that passage, you're looking at the most West-Wing-ass shit to happen this century and yawning?
They really do think it's sports, and if they get to pick which sport, they'd prefer...gladiatorial combat or pro wrestling, I guess. They've made themselves parasites with one niche—spectacle—so they can't abide intrusions of substance or...reality; it undermines spectacle and threatens the niche.
Professional sports followers: hey, wear the Underoos with some other person's name on the back and then if they win you (somehow?) did 𝘢𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 and if they lose you can yell about it and it has no real effect on your life! Professional politics followers: hey, wear…wait. Yeah, just copy/paste.