
I know the Cut thrives on 'contrarian' takes but this is some dangerous hot garbage at a moment when our rights are actively under attack.
Fuck, and I cannot say this robustly enough, this.
Ack I don't want to delete this because it will fuck with a bunch of responses but correction, this is NY Mag writ large, not The Cut! (It is from today though, you will find it on the main page!)
Ugh, that really sucks. I don't have time, but someone needs to write the definitive takedown of "contrarian takes."
At one point I really wanted to do a fake one called "The Case Against Wiping Your Ass."
Yeah, seriously. And hey, maybe as a reasonable intermediate step between where we are now and what they're pushing, we could make it so everybody who wants mental health treatment can easily get it and see what that does for society
Only 122 million people live in mental health professional shortage areas!
Mental Health Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) |
Oh, that's barely more than a third of the country. Also, this is reminding me that I need to look at mental health services this afternoon.
And we’re in an actual shortage of providers because psych school is almost all self-funded (loans, not grants/scholarships). We’re not getting more clinical psychs (much less more from marginalized populations) until it doesn’t cost $80K to get a degree with starting pay around $50K.
waiting for this article to get cited in a bill draft in Mississippi or some shit
This is basically Prop 1, so I'm sure blue states will be excited to cite it too.
“here’s how we can solve the unhoused problem” fuck all the way off
I bet he wants to advocate for forced sterilization, too. I really want to teach him how to eat his meals through a straw.
Ugggggggfh thanks for reminding me about Prop 1
"We should force the mentally ill to get treatment and also believing in a robust social safety net is now defined as a mental illness"
Louisiana will make it legal to crush the mentally ill under replicas of the ten commandments
California will beat them, wait and see.
There's just such a huge difference between making treatment *available* (including any level of harm reduction) and saying "*we will make you use this one kind of treatment we think you need.*"
He's a serious thinker who focuses on the issue and doesn't let petty shit context like political climate, fascism, erosion of constitutional rights, or respect for human dignity get in the way of his juicy takes.
How long until Texas defines identifying as trans as a mental illness
DeBoer means dangerous hot garbage in Afrikaans, dontcha know
Ehh I'll be that guy. We we need to make way more effort to make MH care accessible to those who actually want it. But there is a lot of daylight between people experiencing mental illness, and those who are actively a danger to themselves and are not capable of seeking care for themselves.
Not gonna read that but I vaguely recall (from LGM back in the day?—or maybe I misremember) that deBoer has had his own struggles with mental illness. I wonder how that connects.