
Last spring the Heritage Foundation sponsored a Leadership Summit by the "Bull Moose Project." Here's the leader of that project talking about his racist and homophobic, "blood and soil" version of what America should be about.
Look everyone, the Heritage Foundation is just like those scrappy New England farmers who picked up their muskets to preserve their freedom from an overweening government. Anywho, here's the list of donors who gave Heritage >$100K in 2022. This is just one year.
The Heritage President claims their direct mail campaign gets gifts from 500K people/year averaging $82. I have no reason to doubt that, and I'm sure many are fine people. FWIW, the white Christian nationalist with ties to domestic terrorists that I'm researching was one of those small donors.
Heritage currently has a Journalism fellowship that literally bears the name of the Italian FOM (friend of Mussolini) whose son funded it.
Your regular reminder that the Heritage Foundation has a journalism fellowship that was funded by the Guardabassi family. Countess Guardabassi was a Palm Beach heiress who was one of the most generous benefactors of American fascists like Gerald LK Smith and Revilo Oliver in the Cold War era.
Here's a thread documenting the fascist genealogy of that nonsensical but rhetorically effective "we're a republic not a democracy" talking point.
The John Birch Society did not *invent* the "we're a republic, not a democracy" meme of course. The American fascists of the 1930s and 40s were quite fond of it as well. This screenshot is of 1946 testimony by Robert Edmondson included in his book "I Testify Against the Jews."
To put a finer point on it, the Heritage Foundation currently has a fellowship named after a woman who in the 1960s would talk about "killing all the Jews" at parties at her West Palm Beach mansion. She also generously funded organizations that she thought agreed with her.
Here's a letter from one of the Countess's friends to Pedro del Valle in which she fondly recalls "that day she said 'Why don't we kill them all?' How we laughed. She was so cute and so honest...I'm still searching for more evidence that Rocky [Nelson Rockefeller] is a Jew." By "them" she meant Jews
I've always felt that her name, which means "look down," was one of those hints that we are in a simulation.
Do they have the subscription model where you can set up payments and then (literally) forget about them?
Big Money in politics will kill us.
what’s “ghey”? 🎶 ghey ho, let’s gho 🎶
It's a term today's fascists use as a slur for "gay."
Oh god. I hate that I just learned a new slur, but also thanks for explaining; that text was baffling.
Proud to be one of those who keep fascists awake at night. 🏳️‍🌈
I had an inkling that was it, but I looked it up just to be sure. Now I need to take a shower.
I used to work in the civil society space adjacent to organizations that track terms like this Yet this is my first time encountering this term, wtf
here's what Mr. Blood and Soil looks like
Teddy Roosevelt would kick their ass for using that term.
I love when they talk about defending American culture from the gays. What’s American culture? Walt Whitman, Gertrude Stein, Alfred Kinsey, Leonard Bernstein, Roy Cohn, James Baldwin, Patricia Highsmith, Allen Ginsberg, James Dean, Harvey Milk, Rock Hudson, Ricky Martin, Ellen Degeneres AND MORE
The root problem is too many too rich yahoos This stuff is all funded by our billionaires This guy would be living under a rock without the well-funded conservative ecosystem they've built
This is what we are facing right now. Project 2025 is the freight train barrelling straight at us this November. The have already secured the entire GOP, the radical Christian voter base and SCOTUS. If we don't stop them now, we never will.
Yeah, folks, THIS is what you get with a Trump win in November....the only thing missing is the SWASTIKAS and goose-stepping black clad fanatics.... although I suppose they DO have the mandatory stupid Red Hats.....