
Yes and no. If Trump loses his supporters will simply not believe it’s true and will immediately start donating to “legal defense funds” that will file innumerable suits to “save America.” There will also probably be sporadic acts of political violence.
This delicious little bit of schadenfreude can be ours too if we work our asses off between now and November to bury Donald Trump and his fascist political party
They're threatening political violence whether they win or lose so we might as well work our asses off to beat them.
If they lose and commit acts of political violence, there’s at least the possibility they’ll suffer consequences, but if they win, they won’t suffer at all, but everyone else will, for a long period of time.
“Republicans will be sad on election night if they lose” doesn’t feel like a statement that’s likely to be false or in need of caveats.
True. I just think they will move past the sad stage into the violently mad stage far more quickly and forcefully than the Le Pen folks in France will.
Oh totally. But for a brief moment on election night, we might be fortunate enough to get anecdotes about sad Republicans 🤞
There was going to be political violence either way.
Absolutely. The only question is whether that right wing violence has the explicit or implicit sanction of the powers that be, or if it doesn’t.
I wonder if their acceptance of unexpected losses in 22 is a hopeful sign. Turnout would have to be extraordinary, though, I think.
There was still plenty of denialism, but no one had the heft to really make it stick. Trump and Bannon will be running non-stop with it. If it’s close, then they’ll say it was stolen. If it’s a blowout that will be definite proof that the fix was in.
Bannon is in jail for 4 months. One can only hope that might shut him up for that long
Heads they win tails we lose. Alas. I do wonder at what point the small donors will tire of giving their dollars to failed lawsuits. Like, will economic fatigue ever settle in? Or will it be some when prophesies fail bullshit
The other thing is we need to recognize and reward the left's coming to save the bacon not do the usual giving all the spoils to the centrists. It'd be a team effort, spread the spoils amongst the parties not let the center monopolize it all.
They've been priming the ground on that since they lost the popular vote in 2016. It bloomed in 2020 and became a fast growing weedy underbrush of the GOP since. It's not even just the asymmetric demand that Democrats win decisively. It's always "heads I win, tails you lose" with the GOP fuckers.
If Trump got less than 40% of the vote, who knows what might happen.
The Supreme Court will listen to all those lawsuits this time around