Anne Stickney

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Anne Stickney

Senior Narrative Designer on World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment. All chatter and opinions are my own! Internet Dragon Expert.
Okay one hour later and I can still completely assert that Animal Crossing New Leaf has a million times more charm and entertainment than New Horizons has ever had
Sorting through my closet and electronics and found my 3DS It's charging and I'm going to poke around in sheer nostalgia later
I saw yet another pair of hummingbirds buzzing around outside so I'm picking up a feeder - hopefully they find it and get tasty nectar and also entertain the Beez
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(actual non paggro) friendly reminder: USPS raises domestic rates on 7/14! Might wanna pick up forever stamps and take care of domestic orders/have a quick sale now
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in D&D rn: we are in a temple with fonts of water that could be turned into holy water me: so do the fonts have angels on them? I'm curious as to if they're seraph or sans-seraph fonts
Nintendo, still doing things right
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI:
I'm trying to have dinner here
...look it's still hot yesterday's dinner was light and perfect and yes I'm doing it again
It's too hot girl dinner of charcuterie tonight and by charcuterie I mean like a lunchable and a cup of assorted melon don't you judge me
Badger just straight up BELCHED and I can't stop laughing he looked so shocked that that noise came out of HIM
Adventures in Apartment Living: Took Badger out for his morning business trip to a LOT of fog. Quietly exclaimed "Oooo, it's like Silent Hill out here bud" to the dog and heard a bodyless "Oh shit, it IS" and laughter from a very amused neighbor getting into their car somewhere in the parking lot
If there is anything resembling an afterlife, I hope right now, somewhere, Jessica Walter is happily shrieking “Gene Parmesan!”
Woke up at 2am by Badger barking like mad. Took a minute and a half to discover the culprit - smoke alarm chirp in my bedroom. Was too tired/groggy to deal with it so I spent the rest of the night on the couch and dug around for a battery this morning. I had ONE LEFT. I win you little shit
The face may be innocent but trust me all she wants is my cheese
...just saved myself $20 a month by doing this, excellent reminder
Here's your random adulting reminder to check & see if you currently have the best internet package your internet provider sells because I just downgraded the cost of my monthly bill by $5 & increased how good my internet is by A LOT because I forgot to check for 4 years if they had a better package
Tag yourself I have "business nerves"
Tag yourself "Doctor I have 'female disease'"
Woke up with one side of my tongue INCREDIBLY swollen because, as near as I can tell, I either bit the hell out of it and slept through that, or I was just gnawing on it while I was sleeping for no reason It's making breakfast awkward
Regaled them all with a dramatic reading of the angry neighbor and his legal threats to Vanessa, partially because it was funny but mostly so I wouldn't be the only one wondering 1. What that guy was so upset about not receiving and 2. If Vanessa did in fact go to jail
Also one neighbor said he'd gotten a bit back into WoW again while waiting for the next FF installment to come out - he hasn't made it to stuff I worked on yet, but he said he forgot how much he liked the game Will probably send him game time later just because
Spent last night having the neighbors over for pizza and drinks - two of them had just lost their beloved kitty so they were happy for the distraction and the other had the best hello kitty shirt, he said he found it at Ross of all places anyway we had a marvelous time
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I've actually got gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender and nonbinary characters in this series, y'all. And they're not JUST that, because man, I hate when that's how we get representation. In the words of Thea, nobody is ever only one thing.
I’m not the main character I’m the one that gleefully wrote the relatable heartfelt dialogue that made you cry
I’m not the main character I’m the unreliable narrator
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Look the new Zelda looks amazing and cute but I maybe squeed a little when they announced that Ace Attorney release
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Insomniac is looking for an Associate Narrative Director! If you've got extensive game writing experience, craft expertise, and leadership skills, we'd love to talk to you! Apple here!
Associate Narrative United States, Remote
One of the early morning 6am dog walking neighbors caught me carefully moving a snail from the middle of the sidewalk to the other side so it didn't get squished which wouldn't be so bad except I always make quiet little "fwooosh neeeerooom" flying noises while I do it ...I think I'm That neighbor
November will be five years - I still miss him terribly. I think he'd be proud of all the things I've done in those years, though. Happy Father's Day.