
Eddy Conroy
Eddy Conroy
Higher Ed policy at New America, formerly at the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, and UCLA fin aid. Forbes eduction contributor:

Plus food and cocktails
David M. Perry
David M. Perry
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. Fishing obsessed. I also do dishes. Read: #TheBrightAges
Jesse Stommel (Jessifer)
Jesse Stommel (Jessifer)
Irascibly optimistic. Ungrading. Critical Digital Pedagogy. Professor at U of Denver. Owner of PlayForge. Co-founder of Hybrid Pedagogy. Author of Undoing the Grade and An Urgency of Teachers. One of Hazel’s dads. he/him.
Kris Inwood
Kris Inwood
Economic historian @UoGuelph w broad social science & historical interests: population health, First Nations demography, mobility, inequality & lives of the incarcerated. 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Editing Social Science History & Asia-Pacific Econ History
Jeff Greene
Jeff Greene
McMichael Distinguished Term Professor of Educational Psychology & the Learning Sciences in the School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Studies the science of learning, digital literacy, self-regulation, & epistemic cognition.
Kelly Watson
Kelly Watson
Aspiring Crone. Meat-free since ‘93. Waves at animals. She/her

Bummer Studies PhD. WVU prof. Colonial history, history of sex & sexuality, indigenous studies, etc.

New project - the Pied Piper of Papua New Guinea: D. Carleton Gajdusek’s colonialism
Dr. Judith Scott-Clayton
Dr. Judith Scott-Clayton
Professor of Economics & Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Affiliations: NBER, CCRC, former Senior Economist at CEA (2022-23).

On sabbatical 2023-24 and mostly just lurking here for now.
Conor P. Williams
Conor P. Williams
Senior fellow at The Century Foundation. Brewery magnate. Transitioning from impertinent rabble-rouser to middle-aged dad.
Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen
Vice Provost/Dean/Professor at Northeastern University
Humanities and Social Sciences Online · The scholar's source for job postings, book reviews, academic announcements, discussion, and resources
H-Net Reviews:
H-Net Job Guide:
Four Years Ago Today
Four Years Ago Today
This account was born on March 6, 2024 when Elise Stefanik asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”)

Send complaints to
Abby Whitaker
Abby Whitaker
Sesame Street enthusiast | PhD candidate in history at Temple University | Assistant Editor at Diplomatic History
Chris Lehmann
Chris Lehmann
Principal / CEO - Science Leadership Academy Schools
Co-Author of "Building School 2.0: How to Create the Schools We Need"
Dad to Jakob and Theo.
Ella Howard
Ella Howard
Professor, historian of cities, current book project on history of historic preservation districts
Author of Homeless:
JK Flake
JK Flake
Methodology prof in psychology at McGill working on Schmeasurement. Into big team science, open science, and latent variables.
Rachel Levy
Rachel Levy
Teacher, parent, writer, ed policy PhD. Candidate for Virginia House of Delegates in the new 59th (2023) & the 55th (2021). I ask a lot of questions. (she/her)
Jennifer Waits
Jennifer Waits
Musings about college radio, pop culture, and audio culture by Jennifer Waits
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Education Policy Analysis Archives
We are a peer-reviewed, diamond open-access (free for authors and readers), international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal (ISSN 1068-2341) for readers interested in education policy.
Tim Carmody
Tim Carmody
Ex-liontamer. Now I work as Deputy Editor at DeepLearning.AI. I used to write for Wired, The Verge, The Message, Adweek, and Amazon Chronicles. I also occasionally guest host at Everything changes; don’t be afraid.
History of Education Society UK
History of Education Society UK
Official BlueSky Account for History of Education Society UK.
Robert Greene II
Robert Greene II
Claflin University Assistant Professor of History; AAIHS Senior Editor and Incoming President; S-USIH Pub Chair; historian, writer, Star Trek fan
Celebrating and supporting #EduSky posts to build an education community across Bluesky 👋🏻
Director of Teaching and Learning Center
POD Network
AERA; Faculty Teaching, Evaluation, and Development SIG
Julie Posselt
Julie Posselt
🏛️Gatekeeping, (in)equity, culture, & wellbeing in higher ed & the disciplines.
📚Inside Graduate Admissions (Harvard U Press) and Equity in Science (Stanford U Press).
🌊 Director,
☀️Professor & Assoc Dean @USC, Mentor, Mama
Nicole Hennig
Nicole Hennig
E-learning developer at U of Arizona Libraries. Previously head of UX at MIT Libraries. Author of books published by ABC-Clio. Winner of MIT Excellence Award. Digital nomad from 2013-17, now living in Tucson.
Dan Willingham
Dan Willingham
Professor @UVa who's puttin' the funk back in functional brain imaging and the psycho in psychometrics. One study is just one study, folks.
rebecca onion
senior editor at slate
Mike Caulfield
Mike Caulfield
Author: Verified: How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions about What to Believe Online (University of Chicago Press 2023).

Researcher, infolit/online rumor. Day job in academic tech.
Max Felker-Kantor
Max Felker-Kantor
historian of cities, race, policing, and carceral state | history prof. @ ball state u. | author of
JPP book Policing Los Angeles | opinions mine |
Jen Jennings
Jen Jennings
Professor @PrincetonSPIA & Sociology; Director, Education Research Section.
Alex Usher
Alex Usher
Higher Education. All of it. All around the world. Also: snark, sumo and significant amounts of bitching about Toronto FC.

I blog here:
I podcast here:
Dr. Helle Strandgaard Jensen (she/her)
Dr. Helle Strandgaard Jensen (she/her)
Danish historian, mom, wife, feminist, rower.
Latest book: "Sesame Street. A Transnational History." Current academic goal: combine childhood history and digital methods.
Audrey Watters
Audrey Watters
I’m just here so I won’t get fined — Marshawn Lynch
Ian Petrie
Ian Petrie
Historian, Canadian, Philadelphian. Higher ed, urban🚲, books, cats, hockey. At Penn's CETLI; teach South Asia & Hist Sci/Med/Tech.
Disappointing people since 1972.
Wagma Mommandi
Mark Lieberman
Mark Lieberman
School finance reporter for Education Week
Cedar Riener
Cedar Riener
College professor, cognitive psychologist, textbook author, reluctant department chair. Also interested in science writing, social justice, politics and anti-racism. web:
Christopher Deutsch
Christopher Deutsch
Historian. Under contract: Beeftopia: The Red Meat Politics of Prosperity in Postwar America. Research postdoc at Mizzou. Views my own.
Andrew Ho
Andrew Ho
Charles William Elliot Professor of Education, Harvard
Testing, Measurement, Psychometrics, Statistics
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Jeremy C. Young
Jeremy C. Young
Program Director @PENamerica. Historian. He/him. Personal account. 'It is a terrible transgression to intimidate and awe teachers with fear of want.' — Clarence Darrow
Mary Dudziak
Mary Dudziak
Law, history, politics. Latest book: Making the Forever War: Marilyn Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism.
Society for U.S. Intellectual History
Society for U.S. Intellectual History
The official Society for U.S. Intellectual History Account at Bluesky! #USIH
Tom Sugrue
Tom Sugrue
Historian, urbanist, scholar of public policy, race, and inequality. Silver Professor, NYU. Dad, stepdad, dog dad. Native Detroiter, longtime Philadelphian, honorary Chicagoan, gringo Carioca, wannabe Parisian, and second-time New Yorker.
David Armitage
David Armitage
@Harvard_History professor. Honorary fellow @Catz_Cambridge
Nate Sleeter
Nate Sleeter
Teaching and learning, digital history, history of education.
Professor of Education Leadership, Law, and Policy @ Brooklyn College & The CUNY Graduate Center
Liz Bettini
Liz Bettini
I tweet about #Specialedteachers & #teacherworkingconditions. I'm @ BU Wheelock & the Wheelock Education Policy Center. (she/her)
Writer, carceral history & disability; part of the struggle for academic freedom. My latest book:
Timothy Burke
Timothy Burke
Professor of History at Swarthmore College. Writes at, continuing from his old blog Easily Distracted. Remembers when there was no Internet, and stays up late because someone is wrong on it.