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Writer, carceral history & disability; part of the struggle for academic freedom. My latest book: https://librarypress.domains.uflib.ufl.edu/fight-for-rights-announcement/
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I'd like to hear a statement from GM as to why they're sponsoring this thing.
RNC sponsors Starbucks & GM: “we support fascists for the tax cuts and union busting.” wtmj.com/wp-content/u...
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A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
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So many people I have talked to about being broke and homeless suggest section 8, and the wait list for section 8 in NY is something like 20 years.
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Whatever your line of work or your personal life is, you can rest assured* that Project 2025 has something for you! * be terrified
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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My latest for the @thenation.com. Don't use disease or disability as a casual pejorative. Because some coverage--from major publications--of President Biden's fitness to serve has relied on speculation or pernicious stereotypes. www.thenation.com/article/poli...
The Discourse Around Biden’s Health Has Been Odiouswww.thenation.com We should be able to talk about the president’s condition without sinking into harmful speculation or pernicious stereotypes.
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He also believes that the votes of married parents should count for more than everyone else's.
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
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Here’s the letter to which Radley alludes demanding investigation of a journalist for an op-ed. Trump never had much of a mask, if any, but a Vance pick is a mask-off moment, in the sense that it’s saying “you’re goddamned right we want fascism.” www.vance.senate.gov/wp-content/u...
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
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The thing is, knowledge of the Bible is central to so much of Western literature, art, and music. And schools absolutely should teach the Bible *as literature*. But performative and unconstitutional crap like this make it less likely that our students will get this kind of foundational education.
Oklahoma’s education leader Ryan Walters recently declared that every teacher had to use the Bible in class. The leader of one of the largest districts now says his staff won’t comply: “We are not going to require our teachers to teach from the Bible.” www.friendlyatheist.com/p/oklahoma-s...
Oklahoma superintendent rejects Bibles in school despite Ryan Walters' demandswww.friendlyatheist.com "Norman Public Schools is not going to have Bibles in our classrooms," said Superintendent Nick Migliorino
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And while you do the mutual aid, make comrades. Build relationships and connection. That's where our power lies: in our relationships. Whatever comes, a more connected community is a more resilient and safer community.
The way forward is mutual aid. Feel lost, lonely, scared? There is a free fridge project or pantry near you. Make some sandwiches. I am absolutely not kidding about this. “Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake” is not terrible advice if you give it away.
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Just to tamp this down a little on day two: It's entirely possible that this could give Trump a boost, even a big one. But the idea that as a result of yesterday the election is over and Trump is a lock is just silliness. My skeet below was an off-the-cuff way of indicating that.
People who are assuring us that this means Trump is going to win are clearly unfamiliar with the deeply weird lore of this country's THREE mid-seventies presidential-candidate assassination attempts.
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universities: we bought all new software to do the same thing you already do now with ease. It completely sucks and cost us 13 million dollars.
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I am a committed pacifist and believe that political violence is antithetical to any just, pluralistic system. I’ve worried for some time that the low-grade political violence in this country would turn into something hotter, more dangerous, and more out of control. Today increases that fear.
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I posted a link to your article on Facebook and FACEBOOK REMOVED IT IN LESS THAN A MINUTE. Claimed it was "spam and misreading and goes against community standards."
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New academia reality tv show in which hundreds of highly trained candidates get winnowed down to one champion, who is awarded the opportunity to teach intro classes outside their speciality with no research support!
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I love how Meta pays thousands of data scientists $400K each a year to build systems that see me join a Facebook group called Chicago Lost and Found Pets and confidently intuit that I want my feed to be filled with lost and found pet posts from similar groups in places I don't live
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Something people are sleeping on: One of the 4 state justices who voted to make abortion illegal in Iowa in late June, David May, is up for retention this fall. This was a 4-3 decision. One of 3 states in which justices who upheld bans this year are up: boltsmag.org/your-state-b...
Your State-by-State Guide to the 2024 Supreme Court Electionsboltsmag.org Voters this year are deciding the fate of 82 seats across 33 states’ high courts. Cases involving abortion, democracy, and other critical issues hang in the balance.
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This is always my first advice to academics: pitch locally.
Scholars often ask me what they can do, and this is a tangible thing. State and local media are, in particular, hungry for opinion pieces from experts. Lots of people targeting that media is more effective than lots of people trying to land that one NYT op-ed
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Honest to God: this is an accessible, reasonably thorough overview you can share with your mom that also does a solid job shooting down the campaign’s attempts to distance themselves from the plan
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Been reflecting a lot on one tiny article W.E.B DuBois wrote about the 1922 execution of Luther Boddy who got the death sentence for killing two police. It's one of the more poignant articulations of how an unfair society and militarism creates Luther Boddys for the purpose of elimination.
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Scholars often ask me what they can do, and this is a tangible thing. State and local media are, in particular, hungry for opinion pieces from experts. Lots of people targeting that media is more effective than lots of people trying to land that one NYT op-ed
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
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