
it’s very odd to me that the people concerned about Biden’s age are neither 1) saying to give it to Harris or 2) arguing that Biden should replace Harris
I think you should do one of those two things, if you think Biden must go. Either you think she’s a viable candidate and President or you don’t.
they're racist pieces of shit but don't want to come right out and give everyone evidence of it
I couldn't tell you much of anything about Harris but her attempted coup count against the US gov is 0, so she's got my approval.
No, no, no, there's a perfect 55-year-old progressive candidate who can sweep in from the wings and energize both progressives and liberals. Nobody knows who it is, but they'll reveal themselves as soon as Joe steps aside.
I don't have strong feelings about Harris (actually was my 1st pick in 2020, but not as the result of any strong feelings) but I really get a horrific vibe from much of the incredibly frequent disrespect for her, never seems to be based on *anything* concrete, and obvious biases can't be discounted.
“she didn’t win the primary” no shit but by dropping when she did she was a virtual lock to be the VP pick for both Biden and Sanders
She managed NOT to waste a ton of her supporters' money on a quixotic quest once it was clear it wasn't her year. Why that isn't admirable to most people, I don't know.
Paul Krugman's column this morning specifically said Harris (perhaps because he's too honest to understand the op ed room's con)
I shoulda said “some” because that’s Polgreen’s position too Odd how these are all NYT names, I assume Bouie is getting fired or still working on his
update: I have now read Bouie’s take and it’s good and I hope he doesn’t get fired unless he wants to
He's basically the only thing keeping me sane through all of this.
Ha yeah he doesn't get how this "op-ed" thing works, even after all these years. He thinks he's writing about actual stuff happening in the real world! Bless his heart.
Harris is beneath their notice and plays no part in their fanfiction wanking. Because, uh, reasons.
We should definitely tell the base of the Democratic Party (Black women) that the first Black woman VP should wait her turn /step aside for the good of everyone else. That’s definitely going to drive voter turnout.
If Biden and Harris switch we have another potential problem. VP appointment is subject to Senatw confirmation and we really might not hold the Senate.
Given the state of things I’m not really willing to bet that Congress won’t intentionally leave the office open in hopes of ascending what I strongly suspect will be another GOP speaker
Yep, Senate-only is only to break an electoral college tie for VP
But, in this hypothetical, does Harris actually need to have her VP pick confirmed to be on her ticket? Couldn’t they just be running with her as nominee for VP of next term? After all, that’s what Biden & Harris are both doing now. Their current incumbency is incidental to that.
That's correct. But, if you truly think Biden is not currently capable of being President, you should be calling for him to resign *now*. Given past history, it's reasonable believe Repubs will try to block a new VP. I do not want to think of the assassination risk she'd be under.
More to Post's point: most of the people writing the op-eds don't want Harris to become President under any circumstances.
So a GOP house could hold out to make a speaker president regardless of who’s on the top of the ticket Fan-fucking-tastic
It's cowardice to a degree IMHO, like how none of them were willing to actually endorse Dean Phillips.
The only reason I don't call it full on cowardice, and just to a degree, is that I honestly think it's more an ill thought out "do something" demand, and as such they haven't even considered the next steps, so can't be called cowardly for not considering them
The real cowards those are the ones that clearly want a coup, clearly want some group in the White House to *order* Biden to step aside, to force him, despite the will of the primary voters, but they won't explicitly say that, they have to pretend the advisors just havent broached the subject.
it’s them! They’re the group ordering the president to step aside!
I actually had forgotten about him.
I mean, the name alone is so . . . mayo on white bread.
At least with Lincoln Chafee, I had fun with #FeelTheChafe
The fact that there isn't a default assumption that Harris would be the replacement nominee should clue everyone in to what a shitshow trying to replace Biden at the convention would be. A lot of bad actors *really* want a complete re-enactment of 1968.