
very clearly the people who are dooming hardest about this were already hard-core doomers before it happened
Like, it's not hard to see that what's going on here is a whole lot of motivated reasoning and pre-written Takes trying their damndest to make Mt. Everest out of a small hillock.
The bit about Nick Kristof having this take baked in two days ago is just the cherry on the sundae. There's a lot of folks out there who think they know exactly how to beat Trump, & that strategy consists entirely of "Don't do it that way. You'll never make it that way."
well, historically Kristof is not known for checking basic facts before making big announcements
The all just fired off articles they had written weeks ago
Maybe I'm just old now but I remember Obama's first debate performance in 2012 and this was nowhere near that bad. I think people just like panicking at this point.
More reason to believe that was an outlier rather than representing any sort of trajectory. Trying to thread the needle between doom and cope.
There needs to be a doomer block list
Well or centrist hacks, which is a different kind of thing