
fundamentally being in the majority on Trump v US is immediately disqualifying for a supreme court justice. it declares yourself in opposition to the foundations of the American project of democracy and limited government. all six of them must be impeached and replaced.
john roberts, clarence thomas, samuel alito, brett kavanaugh, neil gorsuch, and amy coney barrett must be impeached and replaced
To be delicate, by declaring a Presidential Purge, those six have eliminated any obligation to go through the formal process of impeachment.
Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law? More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that! More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?
Republicans do not understand the power they're playing with they imagine that there's going to be a total constitutional rupture that leaves them in charge and then after they'll add a "no take backs" clause to the constitution what we libs are waking up to is: two can play this game.
sulla comes to mind. once you march on Rome once putting in a law that says "no marching on Rome" isn't going to be enough
One can only hope. In a way I don't understand why Biden still haven't made a warning shot in the air for the right-wing crowd, just to give them the idea. Do something obviously NEW, then give a press-conference and say: your candidate just enable that. Do you like it? Not for him, but in general?
Yeah. And like: that snide "faithful execution" remark Roberts put in there implicitly acknowledges legal interpretive powers for the president. So: why would the autocrat they're hoping for really even need to keep them around?
Can’t Biden use the new ruling, executive order and add 4 justices bringing to 13? And then bring in something like the fairness doctrine but more detailed and include internet and social media???
No, because getting prosecuted after leaving office was not the only thing stopping him from being able to do that. The ruling was lawless but it does not permit the president to just make any rules he wants.
Shame I created quite a wish list 😦
Desperately agree, but how?
Let us know if we can help!
How we get there I dunno but yes
I mean, we don't. That's not an achievable political project, sadly. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with laying down a marker and saying that's what SHOULD happen! This is not what a "high court" should look like or how it should act.
Hell, a few of those folks could and should be impeached and removed for plain old corruption, which has more precedent so in theory isn't as heavy a lift. It's still impossible given the political environment. Just as we saw when we had a lawless president, impeachment is a broken tool. Sucks!
if it happens it starts by getting everyone to recognize that it needs to happen
Well, yeah! This is kind of what I was going to say as a follow-up. The answer as always is that we need a broad generational shift in voting patterns to break the power of the right. That CAN happen! It's just a vast and diffuse project that will take a long time and is about far more than judges.
In the short term we can at least win the presidency a few times and get rid of a COUPLE of these assholes at least. Alito and Thomas are getting up there! You never know. There's way too much pure luck involved there but it is what it is.
We have an ongoing experiment on how to get the country onboard with a wild and novel idea. Might just need to infiltrate the oped group chat