
People really need to start rallying around these movements to do things that have to be done even if they don't seem possible given current circumstances. Rallying around ideas is what MAKES them possible. "The people demand impeachment" makes it easier for politicians to make it happen.
My point here is that we need to identify the things that need to happen and insist they happen. Coming up with a bunch of reasons why they can't right off the bat (often as an excuse for your favorite politician) just guarantees it won't get done.
It's also what the GOP has done with their crusade for years.
Yes, but it's different because the GOP doesn't actually have real grassroots support, they have to manufacture it. If people started demanding that politicians take up causes, no matter how quixotic, and supporting the ones that do, it creates momentum.
Exactly. Our side SHOULD be able to actually utilize the tactic better.
So can’t Biden now, as an official act, render Trump ineligible to run? Strip him of citizenship? Do anything that will force Republicans, for a change, to waste time in court fighting the very powers they just ‘won’?
if its anything like the filibuster, the mere threat of it is enough to make Democrats roll over
Our rep is the kind of rep who is like “I hear you but I disagree. But what we can all agree on is (some horribly right wing position).” Spoilers: We do NOT agree.
My rep voted not to accept the electoral college results in 2021 and he signed onto an amicus brief to the Supreme Court supporting overturning the result from Pennsylvania, so nah, the only impeachment he'd support would be of Biden.
I wish I had a D rep who I could call, but it is unlikely that a D will ever be in this district in my lifetime. Is it even worth calling Greg Pence?
I personally think it's worth calling, just so they know they have some opposition. I call Hochul every week, even though she's functionally a Republican right now.
AOC for president in '28! Or '32, if Harris is the incumbent in '28! Or possibly never, if the fascist GOP and fascist SCOTUS aren't defeated damn soon!
other democrats should have similar bills lines up - as soon as Republicans derail this - another should be filed and it should continue one after the other. don't let any other business happen
See, that's a problem for those of us in the south. Every rep I could call is firmly cultified, and unreachable. They have been unresponsive since about 2014, when they realized they could send all calls to VM and forget about 'em. "Call your Reps" only works if you have one.
Yes impeach, but also expand the court.
my rep is a trumper i think they are playing my voicemail requesting just that and laughing
Yes, make SCOTUS a major issue this November
Does emailing reps through their contact page work as well? or calls are better?
I think generally that ANY way you reach out to contact reps is great! But I seem to remember folks saying that phone calls in particular make an impact. is an expert - do you an opinion here, Celeste?
Both are good! But phone calls tend to move the needle more, because you're forcing an office to sit up and deal with the calls + messages left. Emails can idle in inboxes and be ignored.
Also - I see that you're mentioning emailing through the page. A lot of the time, those emails are handled by interns, who aren't regularly in the office, which adds a longer time delay. Definitely call if you can!
I find email allows my words to get to my rep. Calls are written down by aides and may pick other word choices. But calls can convey anger by the tone of your voice.
Since my rep is a [strikeout]fascist[/strikeout] Teapublican, he’s unlikely to join. 😠
Off-topic, but that photo angle looks just about like AOC riding a brown horse, looking over to the camera.
Ok but what if your rep is a Trumper and would basically just tell you in a polite way to go pound sand
I think it's still worth making the call. Just so they know people in their district disagree.