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“It is cruel jest to tell a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” - MLK

World's southernmost capital city, NZ/Aotearoa
Hopefully Pezeshkian can not just continue the work of Khatami & Rouhani, but expand on it. Could be a tall order given how strongly the Ayatollahs & IRGC still wear the pants. And ICYMI, I wrote a mini-thread on Iran & its issues. bsky.app/profile/kuma...
I want to see the back of the Ayatollah regime, and big ups to the Iranian public fighting for human rights. If they can do a successful Persian Spring, good on them, but they face an uphill battle against a powerful IRGC & clergy.
It doesn't matter how popular a good idea is, the rich won't let us do it unless it benefits them.
you could easily find this part in any conservative publication today, over 30 years later
This is the 1993 newsletter.
(Power sued somebody for calling her a Nazi on Twitter. During discovery she turned over WhatsApp messages, some of which were about her love of Mein Kampf. She also turned out to be using a groyper Twitter alt to hassle people. She is now bankrupt and even cryptofash Compact Mag doesn’t want her.)
Here's the article we discuss on the show. In a 6 minute segment, I can't bring the evidence, but it's in here. Chris mentioned that he's heard people mention Project 2025 in the wild. I have, too, and some folks have told me they have, as well. www.salon.com/2024/07/05/p...
Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be backfiringwww.salon.com Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through to people who haven't heard of it — and it's scaring them
Just a few pieces of low-cost furniture can make a huge difference to your gaming PC's layout.
Here to scare Density Church & the EFTPostle 🌈🙌
Bought a new tablet and this is the first game I started up - the best RPG of the 1980s that wasn't called Ultima IV
~ REBELLION ~ SCOTUS now enables President Biden to direct USDOJ to charge, arrest & imprison Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh & Barrett & Heritage Foundation's Roberts (Project 2025) & Trump for REBELLION. They should remain in prison without bond during their trials & appeals.
Trump's national press secretary is working for Project 2025.
Former president Donald Trump sought Friday to distance himself from a conservative think tank’s plan, known as Project 2025, for the next Republican presidency, as Democrats work to make it a political vulnerability for Trump in the November election.
Trump tries to distance himself from Project 2025, a conservative group’s plan for GOP presidencywww.washingtonpost.com Trump claimed Friday he knew “nothing” about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a right-wing policy blueprint spearheaded by former Trump administration officials.
Tie Trump to Project 2025 every chance you get
Former president Donald Trump sought Friday to distance himself from a conservative think tank’s plan, known as Project 2025, for the next Republican presidency, as Democrats work to make it a political vulnerability for Trump in the November election.
Trump tries to distance himself from Project 2025, a conservative group’s plan for GOP presidencywww.washingtonpost.com Trump claimed Friday he knew “nothing” about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a right-wing policy blueprint spearheaded by former Trump administration officials.
Brian Tyler Cohen: There you have it. While Trump claims that he has “no idea” who’s behind Project 2025, his own national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, was outed as working for Project 2025. The coordination doesn’t get clearer than this.
The right is now having its own meltdown because Trump can’t make becoming Hitler his official campaign stance
NYT : TRUMP DISAVOWS ALL KNOWLEDGE OF 2025, CALLS IT FAKE 5 op-eds : Why Project 2025 is Overblown Page 97, 2 paragraphs : Epstein tapes contains reference to Trump
Cue the New York Times finally covering Trump, what a good and benevolent ruler he is going to be.
Trump came out against the 2025 Project? Oh did he? Did he do that. Well I guess that's that.
A key player in Project 2025 is Trump's former Director of Presidential Personnel Johnny McEntee. He is doing for Project 2025 what he was doing for Trump: screening federal employees for political loyalty. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/trumps-loy...
If they’re going to let trump get away with claiming that he finds parts of Project 2025 awful and disgusting, some member of the media should at least ask him “what part?”
They'll change the name to Trump 2025 and won't make any edits to the policies and he'll be right back on board and the public will think it's different because the NYT will then run a huge story about how it's good for America and totally different than Project 2025.
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
Project 2025 is so awful that Donald Trump has to lie and pretend he doesn’t know it exists.
Trump can say he'll distance himself from Project 2025 as much as he wants, but in his last term he appointed every faithful FedSoc judge he could get his hands on, and that's basically the entire game.
There was no GOP party platform in 2020, and Trump wants to shrink the proposed 2024 one. He opposes providing detail on how radical his second term will be because he knows its unpopular. Make no mistake: Project 2025 was written by Trump appointees & loyalists. Its their shared agenda.
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
Trump distancing himself from Project 2025 is 1) a lie, and 2) indication that they think playing their hand too early jeopardizes their chances.