Skynix is Tired

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Skynix is Tired

An anxious, autistic 27-year-old who doesn't know what to do with their life.

My immediate red flag re: glaze was always that they put out a product *immediately* and refused to release the code they used in their process & research.
Avatar on adversarial perturbations for artists in particular (i.e. glaze) and some historic stuff re: data poisoning that implies much the same thing about using Nightshade
"Glaze can be bypassed to various extent by a multitude of methods, including by doing nothing at all." Glaze is even worse protecting art & artists than I thought, and my assumption was 'this will not work'. Sounds like they're *also* deliberately lying about how things like denoisers interact.
Glazing over security | SPY We discuss the security of the Glaze tool, and how the authors' actions may not be in the best interest of their users.
I really hate the "I hate men" sentiment I keep seeing. Like dude...forgetting trans men exist and are not the same as cis dudes again are we?
please remember to check your captions
I know it's something that many fellow creators struggle with, but. I just wanna say that hey. Hey. It's okay to be a fan of your own work and creations- that doesn't mean there isn't ever room for improvement and growth, but that's a part of self love too. Be proud of your creations.
It's nice that people can't default to transphobia as an excuse for why they can't do their job. It doesn't mean that I'm used to it and it does make me question what motivation their supervisors had in regards to unprofessional behavior towards me. I deserve the same respect anyone else does.
The news about this asshole made me so mad that it snapped through the artist's block that he indirectly caused and today I ended up working on a comic with the two characters that helped me get the funding to leave Florida: Nauscopy the Riftborn Kumos from my first streams ever and the Tomatogen.
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about:
rolling around at the speed of sound, got places to go
You quoted him saying “Have had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building” Is this true? Did you ask if the actual reason is to escape accountability for egregious environmental & worker's rights violations and stricter regulation? Fvcking stenographers.
Good news, ordered a new monitor. Have to wait until Thursday for it to arrive though
Im still thoroughly in between social media sites and I'm still taking a big hiatus from here but I've missed a week of work due to covid and could use a little help with meds/bills/food. I could use a little mutual aid to get by #masky #mutualaid cashapp $thousandsunnydays 🙏
Pay Rhiannon Miller using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Came back from finding more clean laundry to dump on the couch to find THIS.
Five of my videos have been used without permission to train AI, I’ve just been informed. That is… violating, sickening, and it makes me feel dirty. It’s also fucking theft.
So turns out it's not a cable issue. DP input still said no signal and testing it on my main monitor shows no issues whatsoever. So it seems like the issue is with the DP slot on the 2nd monitor itself.
Also had to disconnect the HDMI cable from my Wacom to use it on my second monitor having issues with it's Display Port cable. Thankfully got a new DP cable coming tomorrow.
Just a reminder that transphobia includes hate against nonbinary people, and if you are willing to overlook one kind of transphobia because someone doing it is calling out a different kind that more directly affects you, you may want to sit with that.
I love being aspec and seeing everyone caping for two of the people who were spreading VERY INTENSE VITRIOL towards aspec identities *not even a fucking month ago* None of yall see aspec people as human, do you? None of yall seem to care either that they're also enbyphobic. Get better "heroes"
In a deleted tweet, someone in attendance at a meeting regarding the NHS plan to review transgender medical care for adults quoted an official for the NHS implying the Cass review was designed to shut down access to gender affirming care for youth. We managed to get a screenshot showing the OP.
Also had to disconnect the HDMI cable from my Wacom to use it on my second monitor having issues with it's Display Port cable. Thankfully got a new DP cable coming tomorrow.
I was supposed to do more artfight attacks (including a revenge) but my mental health said no.
I was supposed to do more artfight attacks (including a revenge) but my mental health said no.
This is the second time in a week they've tried to charge my account so that I can get back on HRT and I've been short. I can't deal with any of this right now and I'm too exhausted to ask for help. I'm at my breaking point today. I'm about $30 short.
Saw this and damn, this shit hit me like the chicxulub asteroid:/