SL Huang is finally on Bluesky. THE WATER OUTLAWS is out!

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SL Huang is finally on Bluesky. THE WATER OUTLAWS is out!

THE WATER OUTLAWS is out now! Queer feminist bandits rising up against a tyrannical Empire. Lots of sword fighting. "Breakneck, adrenaline-filled pace" - Booklist (starred review)

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hey hey, I have a Reddit AMA tomorrow (Thursday) starting at 10am CDT! Come by r/fantasy and ask me questions! Proof that it's really me:
I love this mini-review! Especially the last bit: "exciting and thought-provoking... but if you have any triggers, they are probably in this book; and if you want your reads to comfort or reinforce your Western expectations, moralities, or pieties, you are in the wrong place."
I can do you one better -- I went and pulled captions from the video so you can see the descriptions. Skip to page 2 for the books :)
Have you ever looked at a copyright page and seen this line? This is the “number line” or “printer’s key” & the lowest number tells you which printing a book’s on! (I think 0 is 10 here, so 1's lowest = 1st print run) For the second printing... drum roll... the “1” will be DELETED!!!
You’ll see this convo among book collectors, where earlier printings can be valuable... Or, yanno, among people like me who are just TOTAL DORKS This is the first time one of my books has had a second printing (YAY!), so I might go out & buy it so I can have a copy without the “1” 🤣🤣🤣
So many notifs, all this Strange Horizons love, I love to see it! Also Bluesky is apparently not stable enough yet to show me all of it whoops I tried again, Bluesky. I tried
End of feed.