
For anyone who did not experience it first hand, I cannot begin to describe how monumentally worse an 8% unemployment rate is than an 8% inflation rate.
If you're ever wondering why every elder Millennial is either a communist or a grindset hustler small business capitalist, just look up the unemployment rate in 2009.
Like im not joking it was not unusual to know people with white collar degrees who illegally lived in squats and cooked mostly rice and dry beans to survive
Many didn't! Lots of suicide and self harm! It was not great! But the effects weren't felt equally, plenty of people just kept trucking deep in their careers. 8% unemployment meant like 85% unemployment in graduating classes those years
Don't tell my wife but the happiest I've ever felt might actually have been when I landed a job in 2009
The most terrified I ever felt was when I was laid off in 2009. It has been the defining trauma in my life.
I am ready to be kicked out at a moments notice from every job ive ever had
I still have to fight the urge not to request leave from work (even earned leave) because every Forbes article the year I graduated college insisted that taking leave would make you the first to be laid off
We had PhD applicants for 31k a year positions. People qualified to run our company interviewing for part time entry level. It was bleak! Never want to go back to that
Also why i learned this skill
I used to create a pdf resume with the entire text of the job ad in white text in the margins
Between lost wages and the debt I had to incur just to stay afloat I would say I lost about $1 million since 2008
My first job after college was an entry-level white collar gig. It paid $10/hr with no benefits at all and was a 45-minute commute each way. I felt like the luckiest person in the world
I lost my job on December 2, 2008 and didn't get another full time job until July 18th, 2011. It was not good.
I can always pick the managers who came of age during the slump. I know they lay awake at night dreaming of the desperation and fear their workers brought to work with them then. No task too great, no reward too piddling, and every worker replaceable in hours - not months. Truly awful period.
12.5% in Ireland, and without the social safety net I'm not sure how I would have managed to survive. Years spent jobless, living off the dole.
The first time I looked for a job, local youth unemployment was at 60%. That shit changes you, man.
I'm GenX and we dealt with this in 89, 97, AND 08. There's a reason I'm a committed socialist.
8% inflation also means 10-12% interest/mortgage rates.
The company I was working for went out of business early that year. I was unemployed for six months and when I finally landed a job, it was a 45% pay cut from what I had been making.