Viola Smart

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Viola Smart

Romance writer, teacher. Posts a lot about The Sims 4 lately. Public schools are vital to a functioning democracy. Currently learning how to mom. Find some of my free books on Wattpad. 🏳️‍🌈💉🎭 Others on Kindle.
I assume that it's the same as the moment after the veep steps up to be President and leaves their seat vacant: President appoints replacement subject to approval.
Reposted byAvatar Viola Smart
I am serious, I think every person who wants third parties to thrive in this country should be spending 175% of their time pursuing Ranked Choice. Not only does it make it safe for everyone to vote their hearts first & their brains as a safety net, but it penalizes running far too hateful/divisive.
If third party operators were serious, they'd stop running joke candidates for federal and state offices, serving only as spoilers, and put their efforts into getting Instant Runoff Voting or Ranked Choice (because MMPR is way, way outside the current US structure) mainstreamed as fast as possible.
Millennials dying for a politician to literally tell Trump to fuck himself on a national stage.
Reposted byAvatar Viola Smart
5. Doing things online can make a difference. Huge shout out to the people on TikTok who are going through Project 2025 paragraph by paragraph and spreading the word about what is happening.
Yes! If down ballot goes D+10 but the top of the ticket barely wins, they ask questions. Very different then if everyone loses, and then the adverse outcomes of the greater evil are stronger too.
Reposted byAvatar Viola Smart
The one thing I would say is: if you want people to know that you are not voting for an office in protest, the most important thing you can do is vote for everything else. Vote for ballot measures. Vote for congresspeople. Vote for your school board.
I mean voting. My job is voting.
Doing a rewatch of OTH with the podcast and the line reading and underscoring on the second episode are rough. Some of these actors really grew since S1.
Like, "Those are my SKETCHES. They're private." The emphasis should be on *my*.
If you think TikTok is inconsequential (and the Trump rally they turned into a Ghost Town should show it's not) at least you can agree that whatever messaging strategies are spreading Project 2025 there should be replicated where possible to reach older voters.
But I personally think that growing the under 30 vote is a winning strategy. Certainly better than trying to get boomers who can still be undecided on Trump in 2024 to do the right thing.
See under 19 is less than half the users. As you pointed out, less than half is none. 🙃
I subscribed to Rolling Stone this week because they're explicitly calling bullshit on the unity pivot.
Transparency seems anathema to them. I just minutes ago heard about what they did making the early access people take $100.
And as many have pointed out here, Tiktok is not just Gen Z.
50% of an entire generation still makes a HUGE difference, especially when that generation is far more likely to vote liberal. Gen Z is as big as the Boomers and millennials, bigger than Gen x, and four times the size of the silent generation at this point.
65% of them voted for Biden in 2020 so if they're engagement grew in 2022 that's GREAT news and worth reaching out. Part of the reason youth voter engagement is so low is because people like you dismiss them so easily. They feel like the politicians aren't working for them.
A rise in youth engagement in a midterm shows an promising trend. You have to look at that turnout in context of where it is in the cycle. Pointing to one low percentage when ALL age groups have lower turnout during midterms doesn't prove that youth engagement isn't rising.
Is it possible they were earnest that Renee wasn't TS5 and was a new Sims online and what they've done is cancelled the offline game?
This! Superhero fantasies are authoritarian.
Reposted byAvatar Viola Smart
makes you think!
Peter Thiel is one of the primary investors in Polymarket. Nate Silver literally works for him, now, in a business driven by profiting off of gaming betting numbers with voters.
Nate Silver joins prediction market startup More Americans are flocking to prediction markets to interpret crazy news cycles.
You cannot compare a midterm election to a presidential cycle election. Apples and fucking oranges. 🤡
Reposted byAvatar Viola Smart
He called the 2012 election with math and then he got really obnoxious after that.
Stunning new photograph. It's going to take me a while to get used to because I associate people with avatars and don't always read the name on posts.
👏 I feel this. A difficult pregnancy and then baby made it take me MONTHS to read a book this year. Life is fast and shit happens. I applaud you.
Don't the parties literally vote on an official platform every convention?
Yup. We're kidding ourselves if we think this thread on Bluesky has any influence on whether he stays in. The best we can do in this moment is worry about our own job.