
I was just in St. James Parish, LA interviewing local residents about the overwhelming pollution in Cancer Alley. I don’t think most people understand how bad it is. I didn’t.
It's hard to explain how widespread the repercussions of overturning Chevron deference will be. Even if you narrow the scope down to tech policy, you're left wrangling a super-explainer on a friday afternoon
What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and The end of Chevron deference will touch on everything from broadband policy to climate change.
No one goes outside from 4-6PM because the smell is everywhere, like burning tires and mustard hanging thick in the air. I smelled it. I saw the flares from the burning stacks, and the storage containers sitting 300 feet back from someone’s backdoor.
I held a woman’s hand while she burst into tears and walked me through a patch of grass and dirt where her ancestors were buried, the same spot these petrochemical companies want to build a new plant. The people who live there, mostly Black people of course, are being sacrificed to industry.
These people are not dying and suffering because it has to be this way. This is pure greed.
Same in Texas. And all of this ostensibly while there are means to regulate. The means to regulate is not the same as regulating, as these families know. I suspect the wealthy will always have things regulated in their area and the poor never will.
I had a student last year write her senior thesis on this! She’s from the area.
I never knew about it until Law school, but I taught it in every class after I found out.
grew up there it was bad as long as I can remember and I am over 50.
Trump is going to kill the courts with over work. No one will ever get a case heard.